Heart Choices: Enjoy the Moment -->

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Enjoy the Moment

Enjoy the moment.

I've heard it and said it so many times. I try to do this in my daily life.

But I have to admit there are times when I think back and realize I missed out on the joy of a moment because I allowed worry and anxiety to take over. And often the issues I worry about never end up actually happening.

I've been looking back over photos from this school year. Since January I began teaching the youngest class at our school called the Mini-Mustangs. These are children who are aged 2.75 to 3 years old. You would be surprised at how much these little ones can learn. They surprised even me!

One thing that reminded me to enjoy the moments was something that happened when I came home after work.  My husband Greg would ask me to sit down with him and tell me how my day went. He didn't want to hear me say 'fine' and that was it.

Greg loved to hear the stories. How fortunate I am to have someone who really cares to listen. He'd give me his undivided attention so he could hear about what Vivaan, Gabriel, Lacey or ILI said or did that day.

I'm realizing more and more how rare that is.

When I go out to a restaurant, I'm amazed at how little face to face conversation occurs. Couples are texting. Parents take photos of their outing to share on Facebook. While I am not being critical of social media in general, I think sometimes we simply need to put our phones down and ...enjoy the moment.

Lately, I've been hearing news of people I know and cared about dying. It's sobering to realize how fast time goes by.

My dad drove with me when I moved to Arizona

It seems like only yesterday when I was moving out to Arizona as a single gal, driving my red Corvette. It actually was more than 30 years ago but it still seems like yesterday.

Time goes by so quickly.

Bill Leonard fixed my car up to be sure it was safe for me to drive cross country. And recently my dad called to tell me Bill died.

The talented pianist at my church died suddenly this week of an apparent heart attack. Every Sunday I would see Connie faithfully playing so beautifully.

Time goes by quickly.

Enjoy the moments.

Treasure the moments.

Give your entire attention to those moments.

Take time to smell the roses.

Do you enjoy the moments? Will you make the choice to savor and treasure those little moments each day? It can make such a difference in your day.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. a great and nice reminder. Happy memories, but sad ones are part of it too. Anyway, God is good all the time!

  2. Your message is very important. Social media has robbed us of relationship, and sometimes it is happening in our very homes! My prayer sister took it to the extreme and said when we are always looking down, we're looking at an idol. Lift your head, she said, to the Living God and relate to Him and people! I don't own a smart phone, and I place boundaries on how often I go online. I really don't want to fall into those traps again. I'm weak.


  3. That was the first thing I imagined when all these texting came out. That it was taking people away from conversing. How different the time is(now!). People looking down and using their phones everywhere. This is a very important reminder of what/who has true values in this place. I'm glad I have this chance to come by and leave you a "thank you" for blessing my faith, my journey. God bless you sister.

  4. You are so right. We need to enjoy the moment and each other. I love Greg's sweet and caring attitude. How wonderful to have a life partner who really communicates!

  5. So true Debbie. A friend of mine died of pancreatic cancer a month ago. Her husband died in his sleep this past week. It makes us realize anew how quickly life goes by and that we never know what a day might bring.

    I love that Greg is such a good listener, and shares your days with you with real interest. You are right, that is a gift,

    Love you!

  6. What a great post and full of such truth. It does seem that most are wayyyy to attached to their cell phones and don't even know how to communicate with each other. How sad!!!

    The older I get the more I realize how precious each day is and each moment. Wish I had realized it a long time ago. :o))

    Happy new week!!!


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