Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday: Worship -->

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Five Minute Friday: Worship

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with The Gypsy Mama.  We receive a one word writing prompt and get to write for five minutes flat.  This week we are linking up on the (in)courage site and our word is WORSHIP.


When I think of worship, I think of terms like adore, love, respect.  Lyrics such as "Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name" come to my mind.  I worship the Lord because He is the One I adore, love and respect. He is holy and perfect and faithful and perfect love.  I'm sometimes amazed that He chose me and loves me as His own. When I consider that Jesus died for me, how can I help but receive His free gift of salvation and peace with God?

So I worship because I know this.  I may not always feel this.  But I know deep in my heart.  And so I worship with all my heart.  He is worthy of all my worship. Only Jesus.


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Amen! He is worthy of our worship!

    Have a wonderful day fellow worshiper!


  2. Love this.... "I KNOW this though I may not always feel this." Great post Debbie! Happy long weekend!!!! :-)

  3. You explained Worship beautifully...Knowing is the important part not the feeling...a fact I think is too often overlooked....What I love about worship is that it takes me into His presence....

  4. Very nice Debbie! Your 5 minute word post today brought to, "Be Thou My Vision", Oh Lord of my heart...(one of my most favorite hymns)

  5. He is worthy - true leadership loves like He does:) "I worship because I know this. I might not always feel it." - So true - the faith of knowing even though we don't always feel or see. I think of the song, "Your name is like honey on my lips. Your spirit's like water to my soul. Jesus I love you.I love you." What a beautiful way to start our weekend - with praise:) Wishing you blessing Debbie!

  6. Worship is an act of devotion, loyalty to a certain person or 'something'. And I think it is similar to the way 'kneeling' is an act of making ourselves subordinate to a bigger whole - whatever this 'bigger whole' is: I would naturally subject myself to this 'greater than the sum of its parts'. So it means community or unity - even without god being in the picture. With god, I imagine it even greater - but it is already great without even fully understanding its deepest tenets. This, on my view, constitutes a foundation for the human sense of worship.

    So yes to "I worship because I know this" - not merely because I feel this. It is both cognitive and affective; it is both awareness and wishfulness; a conscious choice and a heart's choice.

  7. Yes, indeed HE is worthy of all our worship and this post was a great reminder to me of that fact.

    Have a wonderful weekend and a great day of worship this Lord's Day. Hugs to you!

  8. Dear Debbie
    Oh, the joy when our Pappa bless us with that precious gift of knowing no matter what we feel or experience. Just to know and to be in His presence!!!
    Blessings XX

  9. Hi Debbie, It seems like forever since we connected; I pray this finds you well and walking in abundant grace. I know you spread joy wherever you are-home, preschool, church, blogland etc. Wondering how your hubby is?
    Things are a bit unsettled here right now but God is still on the Throne and still working.
    Hugs & Love,

  10. Debbie, you are courageous to write raw for five minutes and your messages always turn out so good...like this one.

  11. Hi Debbie! I love the fact that you worship because you know, not because you feel. Our feelings are so all over the place, you can't rely on them at all!

    Hope you hare having a good weekend! Extra day off, YAY!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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