Heart Choices: Achieving Fitness Goals -->

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Achieving Fitness Goals

It's Wednesday so it must be Weigh-In Wednesday. I'm linking up with Kim of Just For Clicks as I work my way towards getting back in shape and creating a healthy lifestyle.

I've achieved a major goal I set for myself this year.

Exercise has become a habit.  

Every morning (before I engage my brain) I step on my treadmill and work out.  I have my exercise clothes ready along with my water and Kindle.

Yes, I read while I exercise.  I'm a book lover since childhood which I might add, is a good time to start that habit.  I upload many books on my Kindle and I look for bargains.  I receive a daily email from Inspired Reads and I often find books for free or very low cost.  Not having enough time to read is no excuse. Combining reading and exercise works for me.

Here's an important tip for you:

I don't stop to question whether I FEEL like exercising or not. I simply DO IT! 

Believe me, over time it gets easier. The key is to be consistent.  Of course, if I had a day when I was sick I wouldn't exercise.  But so far I've been healthy.
  • I've lost about five pounds.  
  • I've cut back on my calories. 
  • I'm not snacking on sweets.  
  • I'm drinking mostly water all day long.
  • I do weight lifting every other day (light weights).
  • I stretch out after each exercise session on my mat.
  • I do sit ups.

I decided to make a few changes to my routine.  I added interval training.  I can't report any noticeable results but this is only my first week.
I alternate between high and low intensity periods while on the treadmill.  Right now, my high intensity portions are about two minutes and then I crank down the speed for the next few minutes.  Then I go back up for the next two minutes.

My exercise time seems to go by faster. And I sweat a lot more when I do interval training.  I'll report back on the results as time goes by.

So let's get personal. How about you?  Have you been doing some exercise to get fit or maintain a healthy lifestyle?  How about going out for a walk or dusting off that bike?

It starts with one step at a time, one foot in front of the other.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. First of all, THANK YOU for always linking up and participating my Friend. Second, I love the idea of reading while working out. Now that I'm working out at the gym, I will definitely use this idea to get double duty done..... exercise and reading! Congrats on continued success on the journey to healthy! Very proud of you and the example you set.

  2. I love that poster, Debbie! I need to do that now that my running days are over. I'll probably have foot surgery before the end of the year, so I'll need to incorporate some other things into my routine.

    It's great to learn new things. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Debbie! So proud of you! I can just see you on your treadmill, kindle at the ready. You lost five pounds already?

    I was in a really good place with exercise, but then my feet got to be a problem. I think I could get back to some light walking though. I'll let you inspire me!

    Happy Wednesday!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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