Heart Choices: The Greatest Love of All -->

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The Greatest Love of All

Happy Valentine's Day!  Now before you think I'm going to belt out Whitney Houston's popular song "The Greatest Love of All" calm down ...I'm not.  It seems that only the little children in our Pre-K 3 class don't mind my singing.  :)

Maybe you thought I would write about my special Valentine, my husband Greg.  We've been married 28 years now.  And yes I love him very much.  Just the other day he held me and told me that he was so glad he gets to share his life journey with me.  That totally melted my  heart.  It was much better than a box of chocolates. Happy Valentine's Day Greg!

For those of you who are newly married or about to get married, I want to tell you something that is the truth.  Marriage is hard!  I hear people say they are best friends with their spouse and they never argue.  I have a hard time believing that.  Marriage has its ups and downs.  There are moments when I feel so 'in love' with my hubby and other times when I choose to love him.  Do you know what I mean?  So let's get real here.

Maybe you thought I'd write about the three and four year old children I get to spend my days with at school.  Yes, I love each one of them.  And I feel very fortunate to spend this season of my life in a job I never imagined I'd be doing.  I love the kids and my co-workers.

But the greatest love of all is ...Jesus.  

  • He gives me strength when I haven't any
  • He gives me love like I've never known before
  • He gives me hope even when all seems so bleak
  • He gives me joy as He provides me with a new perspective
  • He gives me love for others as His love overflows from within me
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 NIV

I pray that each one of you who read Heart Choices knows Jesus personally.  He loves you so much.  You can always click on the red READY button if you scroll down on the left sidebar to find out more.

I'm linking up with Bonnie for this Faith Barista Jam on LOVE.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Good morning! LOVED this Deb, and oh so true! Without the love from our God, none of the rest of it matters much. It's the only kind that lasts through the years.

    haha, had to laugh about your description of married love, because isn't that the truth too? Love them like no other, and yet there are those times... ; )

    Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  2. Oh Debbie...you just put the bow on what I wrote this morning also...and I loved this!! You wrote the truth...on marriage and on children's love...the greatest of the Love that Christ has for us.

    Happy Valentine's Day...I wished I could send you cookies!

  3. Beautiful post. And truly the BEST Love message ever.

    Jocelyn @

  4. Such a sweet post! My hubby and I will celebrate our 35th anniversary in May. Who says a good man is hard to find? lol

  5. Just popping over to wish you that may His love always strengthen you and guide you in everything you do. I think I wouldn't mind hearing you sing that song but then, I hear it loudly, your heart's song about His love and the way His love binds you both in unity. Blessings to you sister.

  6. Isn't it amazing how much love has grown for our spouses over the years? We will celebrate 39 years in June! Where has the time gone? I am praying that by our 40th he will have a lot less of me to love!

  7. Happy Valentine's Day, Debbie. Love what you shared here today on this day of love. When we have the love of Christ we truly have it all. To be blessed with a loving Christian husband only adds to the blessing.

  8. Debbie, what a beautiful post....Jesus is our main love and out of Him comes everything and everyone else.....I know I wouldn't have the man or the marriage I have if not for Him helping us.....because like you said it's very hard....but He has given us the grace to make it 43 years....

    Happy Valentine's Day to a sweet lady....

  9. Hi Debbie, I love the way you put that, "Some times I am so in love with him and other times I choose to love him." That is so well said. And we must make that choice daily - that heart choice! Praise God we have that primary love, Jesus, Who gives us strength, love, hope and joy so that we can be conduits of the love He gives to us. Thanks for a beautiful post. Happy Valentines day and God bless, Maria

  10. Beautiful post and great reminder that the journey has been so worth it...Marriage is hard...For us 40 years.,..but I have always known I am Jacks queen.....Happy Hearts Day

  11. and we are only able to love because He first loved us!

    blessings as you walk in that love

  12. Everybody can know this love! It excludes no one, married or single, young or old. Beautiful, Debbie. And I do love Violet's gift to you too. :-)

  13. All the loves we experience are grand, but they ultimately point to the One whose love never fails! Thanks Debbie. Great post.

  14. Happy Valentine's Day. You are so right love can be hard at times. Even loving Jesus can be hard in this cold world, were it not that I know from the bottom of my heart, he sees and loves me, also when I don't see him.
    "I will let me be found by you," is the promise from the Lord.

  15. Enjoyed your post!! Have a great weekend.

  16. God loves the most excellent way. Me? Not so much, but I'm thankful for the grace that allows me a clean slate each and every morning.

    PS: Marriage is hard and love is sometimes a choice. How grateful I am when my feelings catch up with my will!

  17. Hi sweet friend! I absolutely loved this post. Your words on love & marriage are so true & your words on Jesus' love, even truer. I'm so thankful for His love!

    And I'm thankful for you too! I've been reading via Emil & just haven't stopped to hop over. Much love to you, beautiful Debbie. (Now I have Whittney's song in my mind! Haha!)

    :) Jen


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