I've had this happen to me. Many years ago, I had the most vivid and memorable dream of my entire life. I'm always a bit wary of people who focus on dreams. I believe that our circumstances and emotions can play tricks on us. God speaks to us through His Word and He never contradicts Himself.
But this dream was different for me. I was living my life in a good and decent way. But I wasn't walking in obedience to the Lord.
God spoke to me in my dream. No I didn't hear an audible voice. But I knew. He was giving me a glimpse of the world through His eyes. And nothing was the same.
I awakened sobbing. This had never happened to me before. My husband woke up and instantly knew something significant had occurred.
I attempted to share what happened but the tears kept flowing. This was not something I normally do much of (crying). Greg grabbed a pad and started writing as I described my dream for him.
I'd like to say my life totally changed that day but it didn't. Although I was touched in an amazing way, it still took me several years before I let down my guard and yielded my life to the Lord.
Surrender. What will it take before you surrender? Surrender your ways, your goals, your desires and begin to trust the One who made you.
I've discovered that He planted desires in me. I had to trust Him enough to get in touch with His plan for my life. And that required trust and surrender.
Blessings and love,
photo credit: Thomas Hawk via photopin cc
I am sitting here thinking about what you wrote. I am asking myself if I have truly surrendered all of my life to Him. You see, I still like to take control of some of my situations, but deep down in my heart I know that everything will happen in His time.
ReplyDeleteMay I surrender every aspect of my life to Him who loves me unconditionally.
Thank you for posting this challenging question.
You have given me much to think about, Debbie. The hymn "Trust and Obey" often comes to mind when I am faced with a decision or when I realize that I have not been trusting Him with each area of my life. There is a part of me that continues to rely on self, and your words have encouraged me to be more purposeful in surrendering ALL to Him each day. I so appreciate your openess in sharing your experience with us, and I believe the Lord will use your words to encourage others to think about what you have said and what He desires for us. You love for the Lord brings Him glory!
ReplyDeleteGreat thoughts, Debbie! I have been pondering to myself have I surrendered my all to Him? I mean, lately, in the last few years. With kids and all, I think I have been more selfish in ways I wasn't before. Thank you for sharing your heart! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post and one I will ponder....Happy New Year
ReplyDeleteAlways making me think.....I think of that song ,"I Surrender all....." Everytime I hear, or think of that song, I'm reminded of waving that white flag in complete surrender. It's always a little hard to sing, as I'm always asking myself, "have you really surrendered it all?" It has to be a daily thing, too much stuff comes into our lives, and yet, like you, there must be a time that we become so aware of our need, (or refusal) to surrender. A big subject to tackle this morning.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you, Debbie. I love you
Sometime I want to hear more about your dream. God gets our attention in so many ways. Sue
ReplyDeleteI have had so many dreams where I felt God had a message for me. I'm thinking of one (dream) I just had last night where I came out of my church and it was dark (I was by myself) and I said goodbye to some friends who went a different way to get to their car, and I couldn't seem to find my car and even lost sight of the church. It was pitch dark and I was getting afraid. I thought about calling my husband but I felt he would just ask me what was wrong with me, was I losing my mind? I finally saw the church windows lit up and then I found my car and was so relieved. Your post made me think of my dream from last night. When I leave church... do I lose my way? Do I become lost? Job 33:14-18: “Indeed God speaks once, or twice, yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, that He may turn man aside from his conduct, and keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from passing over into Sheol.” Thank you Debbie, for sharing this. I would love to know of your dream...
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing as satisfying, or as encouraging, or as fulfilling as a life totally sold out for Him! Loved this post Debbie. May the Lord richly bless you and Greg in 2013, and may we all grow closer to Him! HUGS