Heart Choices: Weekend Wrapup -->

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Weekend Wrapup

I was very excited to have a four day weekend.  I had many plans. Unfortunately, I only had the pleasure of meeting a friend for breakfast at The Farm at South Mountain on Thursday morning. The Challah French Toast at Morning Glory Cafe was delicious.

After that, my cold and allergies got the best of me. So I've been resting at home.  It did give me time to do some reading and writing.

A Few Tidbits

I forgot to post a link to my monthly writing at Laced with Grace.  It is titled After the Election.  I share Jeremiah's words in the Old Testament as he wrote a letter to the exiles living in captivity in Babylon.  It's amazing how words of wisdom from years ago can be helpful to us today. 
In case you missed the Allume 2012 Conference (like me), you can access the videos here.  You need to create an account on the site but then you can listen to the keynote speakers.  Just look for the Allume 2012 logo on the right sidebar.

Here are a few quotes I wrote down after listening to Ann Voskamp's keynote speech.
  • "You have to bury your fear in faith.  Other wise you'll bury your talent."
  • "The secret of good writing is good living in secret."
  • "Brokenness breaks us from our need to be right."
The weather in Phoenix is finally feeling like fall.  The high today will be in the low 60's and I love it.

Since I'll be spending time at home, I certainly don't want to waste this time.  So I'll leave you with this thought I found on Pinterest.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I love French Toast and I bet that was really good. Sorry about your allergies and hope today finds them going away. Happy Lord's Day!

  2. Hello Sweet Debbie! I love that last reminder. I need a plaque on my wall with that quote. :o)

    I'm sorry to hear about your allergies. (((hugs)))

    Have a super blessed week!

  3. Debbie! Thanks for popping by! Made my day!

    I had no idea I could listen to the Allume conference speakers online!!! Awesome!!! Thanks for the tip!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon :) Just prayed for you!

    Kate :)

  4. Hi Debbie,

    I hope today finds you feeling better; the last day of your long weekend, and a pretty one at that!

    Extra blessings and hugs!

  5. Oh you got to go out with another bloggy friend..wow!

    Thanks for sharing all these treasure...how encouraging..I will check them out.

    Take care faithful one!

  6. Hi my friend. I'm sorry your weekend didn't go as planned, but am glad you could get some rest. I love you. :)



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