Heart Choices: Kids Make Me Smile -->

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Kids Make Me Smile

I love children!  I love their innocence.  I love how they say things without thinking.

They eat their lunch and snacks with gusto!  A milk mustache is a natural consequence.

Our Pre-K 3 class was in computer class.  The instructor takes attendance and each child raises their hand and says 'here'.  She called Melika's name and we heard a loud 'here' coming from the bathroom.  She then proceeded to yell that she was doing poo poo. Too much information but ...we had to chuckle.  

My great niece Kenzie is fascinated with herself.  Aunt Katie taped her and when Kenzie was fussing, she played the short video. Kenzie was mesmerized and started cooing and smiling.  

Kenzie Lee cannot get enough of watching herself!

Three year old children often have not mastered the art of snapping their fingers.  But little Sam is a wiz at it!  He's so proud that he can snap.  So Miss Debbie showed him how to snap, clap and point.  Sam will now wink at me and begin his little snapping routine.  I can't help but laugh!

After lunch, the children have nap time.  We quietly wake them up so they can have snack and get ready to go home.  These two little boys were being so gentle as they were trying to awaken their classmate.

Some of the children are signed up for after school classes such as cheer leading and dance.  I love to snap photos of them as they look so cute in their outfits.

#523 Laughter of children
#524 Innocence of children
#525 Hearing the responses from children
#526 Little girls all dressed up in dance outfits
#527 The tenderness the little ones have when waking up their friends
#528 The excitement of a snapping boy
#529 Seeing my great niece in photos and videos
#530 Phone calls with each of my family members in Florida
#531 Much needed rain in Arizona
#532 Slightly cooler temperatures this week
#533 Beautiful cloud formations in the sky
#534 A weekend of rest

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience as I count my every day blessings on Multitudes on Mondays.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Out of the mouths of babes......My DIL had my little Princess over this afternoon to do a photo shoot in our yard. It was more fun! Her Mom would tell her to do this and to do that, but, bottom line, she did what she wanted to do and her Mom just snapped away. She got some precious shots of Hanna Beth being Hanna Beth.

    Always enjoy stopping by! If you have not read my entry today, do stop by. I have a reference to you in it.

  2. Children are such a blessing! Enjoyed spending time with my grand-boys this weekend, and looking forward to another grand baby on the way!! :)

    Love your pictures Debbie!
    Wishing you many blessing and joy this week!

  3. I love kids too, Debbie. I keep trying to talk my son and daughter-in-law into starting their family. No go. They are waiting at least five years! No! My husband and I are ready now. Oh well. Love these precious pictures, especially beautiful little Kenzie!

  4. What great reminders of God's gifts. Love the pictures of the children. So sweet.

  5. I WI that I had taken more pictures of my own kids when I see the beautiful pictures you are taking of your school kids. I had neither the time or the camera, and it just wasn't what everyone did then. My kids now are going to have a complete record of each child's life, they do the same thing you are doing... pictures, videos, movies, cell phones etc. I love it! :)

  6. Such a precious post! Children bring so much joy!

  7. Yes!! Cooler temperatures here, too. The laughter of little ones, how precious:))
    Lovely list, my friend...

  8. I'm thinking there's a whole flock of parents that are darned grateful to have "Miss Debbie" lovin' on their wee ones. So sweet!


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