Heart Choices: The Chance to Give -->

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The Chance to Give

I watched a TV show called Secret Millionaire last evening.  I'd never seen it before but I was intrigued by the previews.  Each week a person or family with much money leaves their mansion and goes undercover into an impoverished area to see what it's like to live in these conditions.  During this time, they're given limited funds and a place to live in the neighborhoods they are exploring.  After a period of time, they reveal themselves and give money to some of the people or charities that touched their heart.  

It touched my heart as I watched the homeless up close, a woman who runs a home for women and children who are escaping domestic violence situations, a young man who puts together toiletries to hand out to the homeless on Skid Row.

How easy it is to live and never see the faces of those who are truly struggling.  To realize that $3 a day for food is not much and very difficult to purchase anything that is nutritious and healthy.

These Scriptures came to my mind this morning:

Philippians 4:12-13 (NIV)
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

In the show, there was a scene where a group of women and children were about to sit down to eat a meal together.  They all joined hands and prayed, thanking God for their food.  The undercover millionaire joined in too.

That touched my heart!

I know what it was to have plenty.  And I know what it is to have little.  I've been on the giving and receiving side.  And I can tell you that it's more fun to give.  Receiving can be very humbling.  

This past week, I've been writing about vision and perspective.  Open my eyes Lord! 

  • May we see past the outward appearances and into the hearts of people.  
  • May we ask God to truly open our eyes.  
  • May we be obedient when we are given an opportunity to help and not make excuses.
I hope that TV shows like The Secret Millionaire will open people's eyes to the needs in their own communities and stimulate them to take action.  

I'm linking up with Charlotte and Ginger for Spiritual Sundays.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I also saw that show...it was a repeat...but it delivered the message and I was so happy I watched it again. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I didn't see the show, but I think that's fantastic. We sure need more shows like this.
    Enjoy your summer,

  3. I have seen previews for this show, but have never seen it. It has caught my interest now even more after hearing what you thought of it. It is so true of course. How easy it is I am sooo sorry to say to forget those sometimes who truly do have NOTHING....that have no idea where their next meal is coming from, or if that meal will even come that day. I am fasting today for a test I have to do tomorrow, and how hungry I am!! I have been doing a lot of whining. I am ashamed now to think about how much complaining I have been doing and so far I have only missed one meal. How much we take for granted. I will focus today on how blessed I am, and how a little hunger for a day won't hurt me. How much more others have to suffer. Love that verse! Hope you have a good day Debbie..thanks for sharing this! HUGS

  4. I haven't seen it but I intend to....We know a wealthy couple who dress up like they are homeless and sleep on church porches and see how they are treated on Sunday morning. Then they go into Church, the pastor already knows about the set up) and give a message to the people....I love hearing their stories....Praying to see into the eyes of the people God brings into my path as been on my heart lately...and to learn to really listen....We are all made in God's image and worthy even though we might not understand or approve of a person's lifestyle....sometimes not from choices they have made themselves....

    This post really touched my heart....

  5. Oh, I love that show and usually end up tears while I am watching it. It is so refreshing to me and as you said, usually always a good reminder.

    Debbie, all of our circumstances can change in a heart beat and I hope that if mine ever do that I will handle it with as much grace as you have and will be a testimony through it. You are such inspiration!

    Blessings my friend for a beautiful week!

  6. We saw part of this last night also...I was blessed beyond words. The part that got me the most was when the young man took his own shoes off and gave them to the older homeless man.
    For weeks God has been leading me through scriptures on the poor..even this morning.

    I too use to be able to give without restrictions...but now I am learning to receive and also how to take my little and give. I have noticed that giving out of my own need has a new impact on me...totally different from when I gave from abundance.

    Have an awesome week!!!!!! Enjoy your summer!


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