Heart Choices: What Kind of Aroma Are You Spreading? -->

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What Kind of Aroma Are You Spreading?

Word-filled Wednesday; a day to share God's Word.

I love flowers.  When they are in bloom, the aroma is profound.  As you walk in this world, what kind of aroma are you spreading?

The verse that follows says "For we are to God the aroma of Christ ..."

Are you spreading the aroma of Christ?

I'm linking up with The Internet Cafe for Word-filled Wednesday.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. What a great scripture and the question you pose made me stop and think...My hope and prayer is that God would help me to spread hope, to be the "aroma of Christ" in this world. Blessings to you!

  2. That is just gorgeous, Debbie. Love you ~

  3. Both beautiful and powerful!
    May I always spread His loving aroma...
    Thank you for this word today.
    Happy WFW...

  4. Pretty picture and great reminder with this verse and blog title!


  5. beautiful Debbie! btw your smiling photo in the corner always makes me smile right back at you!
    happy day!

  6. Such a good question, Debbie. When we consider that to other believers that aroma will be as life; but to non-believers, the stench of death ... it leaves me wondering if even there's a difference in my life. I'd like to think so; and I'd like to think there'd be not a scintilla of doubt. To the one, a rose; to the other, stink-weed.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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