Heart Choices: What's Around the Corner? -->

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What's Around the Corner?

It's In Other Words Tuesday and Deborah of Chocolate and Coffee is hosting.  The quote she choose for us to write about is:

“God is not concerned about what is around the corner.  He created the corner.”
I have a tendency to want to know what's going to happen next. I've even been known to read the last chapter first in a novel.  I know; that's weird.  But I think I always wanted to manage expectations since I was a child.  I always seemed to want to brace myself for what was next.

My life is very uncertain in this season. I have no idea where I'll be living even two months from now. So much depends on what's around the corner.

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How thankful I am to be a child of God.  I may not know what the future holds but He does.  And through the difficult times, I'm slowly learning that He is trustworthy and I can depend on Him.

As my friend Jill always says: "It's an opportunity to trust God."

So, I don't need to know what's around the corner.  Instead, I make the choice to take one step at a time.

My part is to pray, read the Word and be attentive to His soft whisper throughout my day.  I want to walk in obedience.

What about you?  Do you dread what's around the corner?  Or do you look forward to it? 

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Great post Debbie! I will be praying for you as you proceed around those corners in faith!! Many blessings!

  2. We definitely have our part to play don't we as we trust in God to see us through every corner. Doing so by praying and sitting quietly in the backseat while He takes us where we need to be. It can be scary at times but we eventually get where we need to be. God bless your journey ahead, take every corner with Christ at the driver's wheel. Be a good passenger and trust Him as I know you will.

  3. What a great way to see it. In my heart I know that's true...that God created the corner and already knows what is around it but I am prone to forget.

  4. Hi Debbie, I'll be keeping you lifted up for the grace to walk around that corner, when the time comes. Loved this post-and you shared my life verse. I'm with you in that many details with health and finances I'd love to know the outcome with but my Papa already knows so it is my job to focus on Him and trust.
    Much love to you today.

  5. Great post Debby. I want to add something that my husband always says and it encourages me and I hope it will you. It's very simple. We don't have to worry, because nothing takes God by surprise. He never says, "Huh, I sure didn't expect that to happen!" He always knows and will be with us!

  6. Oh Debbie...well I have not known what was around the corner for the last three years, and what is starting to be funny is that the truth is I just thought I knew before. I didn't even know what was around the corner when I thought I did...because I didn't see this around the corner.

    I love the picture of the child in Jesus lap...the child isn't struggling. I thought, well Lord have I began to relax or am I still struggling. Not knowing where you will live is hard for me, but He does!

  7. I don't know what is around the corner for me either and that is hard. Godd has been telling me just to be obedient and He will work out His will in my life. Then he took me to Hebrews 11 to so many who just obeded and never even saw the results of their obedience. But they lived by faith and God is still rewarding. So when life is uncertain I have to just keep trusting in what I do not see but hope for.
    It is hard at times but He is faithful.

  8. Hi, Debbie
    You are the first person I know of who also sometimes reads the last chapter first! :)

    I do it so that I can decide whether the book will be a waste of my time.

    Aren't we glad that we have read the last chapter of "The Book" and we know it all turns out to be joy and blessings? Blessings to you - Marsha

  9. I love you sweet friend!

    Yes, one day at a time - moment by moment trusting in Him!!!


  10. Oh, I have such a bad habit of wanting to know "what's around the corner." And, it's at that time that the Lord gently whispers "trust me, I have it all under control."

    May your days be filled brimming full of joy and peace!

  11. Yes, I nodded as I read. But I haven't read the last first. Ever. Books are different than my life. Learning to rest during uncertainty is a challenge some days. I will say it gets easier the more I practice.
    Thank you for your words.

  12. My mom and I are like that too when it comes to books - read the ending first so I won't be disappointed with the ending.

    I've been realizing that nothing is really certain - for me personally, I want to know what my future holds (will there be someone for me or will I be single?). I want to know what's coming. Yet, God's been really good at keeping everything a secret.

    So am I dreading what's around the corner? maybe a little, if I'm completely honest with myself. Am I excited to see what's around the corner? definitely.

    This was such a great post! "I may not know what the future holds but He does. And through the difficult times, I'm slowly learning that He is trustworthy and I can depend on Him." Amen and Amen!!

    God bless you as you walk with Him, one step at a time!

  13. I like having a plan and wish God put it all out there for us...but like you said, it does give us the opportunity to trust.

  14. Your friend Jill got it right! Our uncertain times are "an opportunity to trust". Boy! Have I found that to be true! I pray, Debbie, that each new day brings you more peace as you learn to fully trust in God. He loves you and as you quoted at the end of the post, "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Your future with him is secure!

    Blessings, Joan

  15. Hi Debbie,

    You stated that your life is very uncertain in this season, and I admire your honesty, and your not complaining, your seeking the Lord and that is awesome!

    The Lord seems to always work in ways we least expect, like everything seems so chaotic, but that is when I have seen Him at work around me, and in me.

    Your question: Dread what's around corner, or look forward to it?

    Answer: Both, because although I may have fear, and dread, I know deep down in my heart that the Lord is in control, and eventually I will be able to see and understand why He had to take me "Around the Corner." Don't get me wrong, my faith falters many times throughout trials, but I need the trials so that He can change me.

    God bless,

  16. I am thankful that GOD already knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning. He knows the path, the obstacles and what's around every corner and on the other side of every door.

    My job is to trust and obey Him; study His Word, believe it and live it by faith. My job is to pray and cast my cares upon Him and trust Him to guide me on His path of righteousness. He's an awesome GOD, a dear Abba Father and Mighty, Holy and Righteous in all His ways. He'll never fail us Debbie.

    I love you! HE LOVES YOU MORE!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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