Heart Choices: Do You Need to Lose Weight? -->

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Do You Need to Lose Weight?

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Losing weight can be hard!  The past two years have been difficult and I must admit I've indulged more than I should.  And I know better!

But I've found that food can be such a comfort.  But it's only temporary and then ...I feel worse.

I've been hearing more and more about a new book by Lysa TerKeurst called
Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food.

Check out this short video as Lysa introduces this book:

I've lost a few pounds since I began working all day with little children. But I know I need to get back to a consistent routine of exercise and portion control.

Instead of running to the refrigerator for comfort, I want to run to the Lord. Only He can provide that comfort I need.

How about you? Do you struggle in this area?

Hang in there. You are not alone. And I'll share my thoughts about Lysa's book after I use that gift certificate.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I've also heard so much about this book...one of these days I need to purchase it! Food has been such a comfort in the past little while! I must change my focus, but it is Hard!!!

  2. Beautiful! Praise God you are finding your comfort in Him more and more!

    Love you!

  3. Beautiful! Praise God you are finding your comfort in Him more and more!

    Love you!

  4. A very timely post. I've downloaded the book a few weeks ago, and have only read Chapter 1. I am realizing my issues with food are very deep, stemming from childhood. I am hoping to begin to tackle this area of my life soon. I really want to dig into this book and get a better perspective, and I so want to fill every void with Him!

  5. Yes, food is comforting!! And I sometimes head straight to the cabinet as soon as I walk in the door, especially when it's been a rough day!!

    I need to get more focused..and stay on the plan, with God's help!


  6. My struggle is like an out of body experience. It's a constant source of discouragement.

    I know turning to the Lord instead of food is the way to go and something I strive to do.

  7. Imagine my horror when I learned that Lemon Merinque Pie isn't the antedote to all that ail's humanity?!!

    Yes ... I struggle in this area myself. I love all things carbohydrate, preferably served with butter. As with other areas of my life, learning to make healthy choices is not always easy. I give in waaaaaaayyyyy too much & too often.

    Blessings & hugs,

  8. Oh I have seen that book pop up over and over again. I have so enjoyed doing my walking DVD...I am at three miles, each mile is 12 minutes...but I am noticing I am truly an emotional eater and the more I feel like things will never change the more I grab the carbs...so I will need to check this out...thanks and have an awesome week!!

  9. I won Made to Crave from Sandy Cooper's blog! And I'm so excited to dive in.

    I certainly use food to comfort me. It's gotten a bit ridiculous, actually. Lysa's book found it's way into my life at just the right time.

    I hope you are doing well, Debbie! Love and blessings to you!

    - Kate :)

  10. I've heard a lot about the book you mentioned...and it makes total sense! We need to run to God for comfort, not food. Even though I have not read the book (yet) I have been trying to put that into practice. God is our true and ultimate comfort...and he is always there ready to help! I just wish there wasn't a candy dish on the front desk at work...

    Blessings, Joan

  11. me too Debbie! I have read the reviews and want to read her book. I've been doing Melanie's 21 days fitness and I've lost 9 pounds and put 30 minutes a day of exercise back into my life, at least 5 days a week. I've struggled my whole life with fitness, and I am so encouraged that it is happening. I have made the decision, and that's that!! :)

  12. Weight...........fitness......., I seem to spend alot of time thinking about this, feeling defeated usually. And then to comfort myself, I eat a carb. I'll start tomorrow. Sad, but honest. Love you,

  13. Oh, girl, it's a terrible struggle! I've heard so much about Lysa's book. The next time I drive to the "big city", I may buy myself a copy!

  14. Yikes, Debbie, I was eating a piece of pizza as I read this post - good thing it was the last leftover piece! I will be interested in what you think of the book when you get it, as I have struggled with weight gain this past year. But my thoughtful husband bought us a Wii Fit recently and I know it will help me get back to being healthier, especially since our streets are way too slippery and snowy to go for the walks I love. I know God has a better plan for me than brownies!

  15. Thanks for telling us about that book, Debbie. My weight is totally out of hand. I need to do something about it. Love you ~


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