Heart Choices: How Do You Stay Motivated? -->

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How Do You Stay Motivated?

How do you stay motivated?  It's a new year; 2011.  Maybe you've made a few resolutions this year.  But it's day five and you've already messed up.  Does this sound familiar?

May I suggest that your underlying motivation may be the problem?

Believe me ...I've been there and done that.

If you are a Christian, you have been given a new life.  But too many people continue to live out their 'self life'.  They indulge their flesh in so many ways. 

  • Do you struggle with eating too much food?
  • Do you lack the discipline to say no to all that sugar?
  • Do you desire to be included with the 'in crowd'?
  • Do you love to go shopping for things you really don't need?
  • Do you give in to gossip in the name of sharing things to pray?
  • Do you have a hard time saying no for fear of rejection?
I'm sure you could add other examples to this list.

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit within us.  We have everything we need to live a Christ centered life.  The problem is ...we continue to love to indulge our flesh.

I've been reading and studying the book of John.  So many passages speak of the link between love and obedience. 

John 14:15 says: "If you love me, you will obey what I command."

Scott Samter of Opening His Word has awesome teachings verse by verse that are available to all.  I've been blessed by taking the time to listen and learn.  And yes, he is Jill's husband of Forever N Ever N Always.

Love is a powerful motivator.

(I love these notecards but ran out of them.  They are such a good illustration of how I sometimes feel.  I can't remember where I bought them. If anyone knows, please let me know.)

May I make a suggestion?

Instead of focusing on the lists of "don't do this" ... focus on spending more time getting to know and love Jesus. 

It's amazing how the things you thought were so very important tend to fade away.

  • Surrender every part of your life to Him.
  • Ask Him to guide you and lead you each moment of the day.
  • Spend time in His Word.
  • Speak to Him in prayer.
  • When you mess up, talk to Him about it.
When you realize how much He loves you, you will be overwhelmed by that love. 

And you will begin to obey Him and say no to your flesh. 

Love is the best motivator.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. AMEN! I love you Debbie!

    Thank you for the sweet words about Scott's teachings. They still richly bless me!

    Hugs for your day!
    PS Yes, we all LOVE Lexi leading us in worship!

  2. Good point! I want to focus on what I should do, rather than what I should not do...For instance, I have a problem with not being able to resist the candy jar on the front desk in my office! When I say "no" to myself...I weaken. I'm going to take your advice. Instead of attacking the issue from that angle, I'm going to focus on what God wants me to do. I'm going to:

    ■ Surrender every part of my life to Him. (Including that naughty candy jar)

    ■ Ask Him to guide me and lead me each moment of the day. (At work, at play, at study)

    ■ Spend time in His Word. (I want to go deeper)

    ■ Speak to Him in prayer. (Increase my communication!)

    ■ When you mess up, talk to Him about it. (I'll talk about everything to Him)

    Thanks for the encouragement on the Wednesday mornng!

    Living for Him, Joan

  3. Exactly! Love is the ultimate motivation. Thanks for keeping us on track.

    Love you,

  4. God is love ... what an excellent post.

  5. I am seeing this in action in my life right now and it is so true. I wanted to get up before sunrise each day...I don't set the alarm...it was so I could just love on my Lord. He has gentle stirred me at the right time and when I roll out of bed to meet Him I am so blessed and than look so forward to the next sunrise. When I try it on my own "will" it just doesn't happen...so love is a great motivator!!

    Blessings and I have prayed for you as you went back to have the energy needed with those little ones.

  6. This was great! We are in a message series at Church about the Holy Spirit. It has been eye-opening and comforting.
    The biggest thing I've changed is starting out my prayers with THANK YOUS and PRAISES, that tend to focus my mind on the "haves" and not the "have nots".

  7. Dear Debbie,
    I so remember your New Years "sermon" last year, when you know you were facing great challenges.
    I have been inspired this whole year, and the way you persistently have been pursuing your goals.
    I am amazed that you are driving on in the same direction.
    You are indeed "a messenger of Christ, known and read by everybody".
    I will set up so many resolutions anymore, but this one; love is the best motivator, I'll try to keep in mind.
    "Keep close to Christ, and he'll keep close to you," shall be my other one.
    The older I get, the more I need Christ every minute of the day.
    I'm looking forwards to follow you one more year.
    Yours Felisol

  8. Oh, yes, love is always the
    ultimate motivator! If our
    love for God is strong enough
    we will sacrifice anything to
    be in His presence. He is the
    one who motivates us to do good
    in our lives. Unless we stir
    ourselves up to take hold of
    more of Him we won't. The spirit
    is always willing.This was a
    good teaching and I enjoyed it!
    Love you!

  9. Hi Debbie,

    What a great post to start the new year with. I agree. Love is a powerful motivator. I'm taking that truth with me as I leave. It's a keeper. And so is HE.

    Always enjoy my time here.

  10. Yes! Love IS the best motivator. A great word today, Debbie.

  11. What an enriching, soul stirring entry Debbie!! Thanks for touching our hearts with your inspiring words. I'm blessed to have found you in the blogging world and have so enjoyed getting to know you.


  12. i completely agree and don't even have
    resolutions anymore but a desire to
    know Him more and love Him more.

    we have a "year end" review with each
    of our kids to marvel at all the Lord has
    done. every year has hard times, but we
    can always see where the Lord intervened.

    thank you for shining His light for us.

  13. Oh Beth, this is a wonderful post. Beginning next Sunday, I will be participating in a 21-day 1st Commandment Fast at my church. We are focusing on loving the Lord first. I cam really excited about this and hope to blog about my revelations. Thank you for this. Beautiful and timely!

  14. Thank you Debbie for sharing on motivation. Blessings.

  15. This is so true, Debbie, and it is an important lesson that I have been striving to follow. He has shown me time and time again that when I put Him first, the "things of earth (will)grow strangely dim" and I find I need so little of what I once thought I needed. This is a daily surrendering for me, and His love holds me up.

    Debbie, your love for Christ is a true blessing to me.
    Love and blessings,

  16. You amaze me. Love you, h.

  17. I am always encouraged when I consider the linkage between love & obedience. I am equally amazed at the linkage betweeen obedience and freedom (John 8:31-32).

    Oh that we'd all be free in Him this year (and always).


  18. "The love of Christ compels me..."

    Oh, Debbie, if we could really get a handle on Christ and his love for us, we couldn't help but love back. The more we know him, the more we desire to be like him... to live as he lived, love as he loves!

    I've often thought that I don't love enough... that it isn't pure enough. I so want correct motives to anchor my loving, and that can only be found in Jesus Christ alone!

    Be blessed this weekend; hope all is well with the little kids beneath your watchful gaze.


  19. Amen to that, Debbie. Thank you for your encouraging words.

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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