Heart Choices: Friday Photo Flashback ~ 1960 -->

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Friday Photo Flashback ~ 1960

Friday Photo Flashback

It's Friday Photo Flashback when I link up with Alicia at More Than Words.  If you have any pre-digital photos that you'd like to share, why not join in?

This photo was taken in January of 1960 when my sister Christine was born.  Pictured is my dad and mom, my brother Steve and me and baby Christine Elaine Sumstad. 

I was so excited as I wanted a sister.  My brother was a little disappointed at first since he had hoped for a brother.  But he got used to her. :)  These were the days before ultrasound so you didn't know what sex the baby was until they were born.

I had to laugh as I noticed my dad had a headful of hair; he's bald now.  And check out those curtains. I guess they were in style in 1960?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I just don't believe it's you in the photo, sorry Debbie. 1960? You could not be possibly around at that time... you look toooo young ;-)

    LOL! True though... lovely photo, special memories.

    love and hugs xoxo

  2. That's a precious family picture and we had curtains almost identical to that!!!!!

  3. This is a really precious photo,
    Debbie. I think nearly everyone
    had curtains similar to those.
    Ours were even worse though.
    When I look back at old family
    pictures I cringe at how awful
    our house was decorated. No one
    had any sense of style back then.

  4. Love your smile and the sweet expression on your dad's face!

    Love you,

  5. I love the expression on your face as you looked at your baby sister. Priceless!
    Beautiful family!
    And I'm pleading the 5th on those curtains. LOL!
    Have a fabulous Friday my friend.

  6. I love this flashback. I might play along next week. I've had fun going thru old photos recently. That is such a sweet family photo!

    Ah, the curtains...I found a picture taken in the foyer of my childhood home and you can see very busy wall paper in three rooms. Styles change thankfully!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. What a fun photo. It made me smile.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  8. That is just precious...well even in todays technology we have only know one of the six sex...so it was always a surprise. My kids wanted twins on the last two births.

    How much fun to go back in time and enjoy those tender moments again!!

  9. A wonderful family photo! You can see your happy smile as you look at your baby sister :o) I love how your mom looks like she stepped out of a magazine...and actually...I think I've seen some curtains that are similar in some of the homes of today that are featured as having "modern lines". Often like, clothes and hairstyles...what's old is new again...

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I'm off today too, so hope that I can catch up on some blog reading. Thank you dear friend for stopping by :o)

  10. Nice picture! You do look pretty happy about your new little sister! You know, those curtains might look perfect in our new place...

    Blessings, Joan

  11. Isn't it funny what people see in pictures, and it's totally different. You see your dad now & I see your Mom holding your dad's hand and the love in everyone's face. What a totally happy loving family. That's what that picture tells me, but those DRAPES! We had some similar to that too! LOL I gotta find that picture. LOL Thanks for stopping by.

  12. That's a really nice picture! And I love how you are all matching!! Did your mom plan that?

  13. So beautiful picture! Hugs to the baby!

  14. My friend this is priceless!

    Love you.

  15. Love the look on your face, Debbie. You can see the "OHHHH, I love her" on your face :)

    Thank you for sharing this precious family photo with us (1960 was a great year to be born *grin*)

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris


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