Heart Choices: Faith & Happiness -->

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Faith & Happiness

Jam with the Faith Barista
I'm jamming with Bonnie Gray AKA The Faith Barista and I'm a bit late.  Life has been a bit hectic and uncertain for me but I didn't want to miss out on our topic for this week.

Today’s topic: How Does Your Faith Connect To Your Happiness?

Have I been happy lately?  Well, in all honesty ...NO!

You see life isn't always perfect and lovely and how I would like things to be BUT ...
  • I don't know how I would get by without my faith.
  • My current circumstances are temporary.
  • There are important lessons to be learned in the midst of challenges.
  • I have a joy in my heart as I learn to trust God in all things.
  • When I can't see where I'm going, I'm learning to take His hand and allow Him to lead me.
I was reading from a devotional this morning called "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.

Listen to this as if Jesus were speaking to you:

Stephanie and Eric: Photo by Tina
"The best response to losses or thwarted hopes is praise: The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.  Remember that all good things -- your possessions, your family and friends, your health and abilities, your time -- are gifts from Me.  Instead of feeling entitled to all these blessings, respond to them with gratitude.  Be prepared to let go of anything I take from you, but never let go of My hand!"

I love to remember that Hebrews 13:5 says: "...never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

If you'd like to join in this jam session, be sure to link up at the Faith Barista.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Thank you my friend for this post. I needed it today.

  2. Instead of feeling entitled to all these blessings, respond to them with gratitude. Be prepared to let go of anything I take from you, but never let go of My hand!"


    I just posted a comment on Lexi's blog that will show up later or tomorrow - about this very thing - from a conversation I had with Scott tonight. So much wisdom and I pray I allow what He spoke through Scott to sink in deep!

    Love you!

  3. Well that word is an awesome way for me to finish this long day. I spent the day at the pumpkin patch with my four year old and his class. He couldn't do much with his cast, but we still enjoyed it!!!

    Praise in all circumstances!!!

  4. Thanks for that reminder... and a wonderful way to see God's word speak to our hearts...

  5. I appreciate your honesty, Debbie. We've all been there and will be again. And out again. God is good.

  6. I so appreciate your honesty and just being "real", Debbie! The stuff of our journey is often really difficult BUT thank the Lord that He never leaves us or forsakes us! And by His loving hand He leads and carries us through!! Praise God!

    I just don't know how people make it through life without the Lord!!

    Thanks for sharing!



  7. Love this post. I am always grateful for all the gifts in my life. That could all change tomorrow and I would still need Him.

  8. Very interesting point that you make:
    "Have I been happy lately? Well, in all honesty ...NO!"
    But then you follow it up by saying, "I have a joy in my heart."

    I love the fact that you can be unhappy but still have joy. I believe there is a distinct difference between the two...and joy comes from our Father!

    Thanks for the words of encouragement.

  9. Enjoy your weekend dear Debbie with faith and especially happiness!

  10. I love the quote you offered us. Happiness is found in a Person and holding onto God is a gift that will keep us whole, even as everything else is being let go. Thank you for sharing your heart, even as you weather the uncertainty. It's important this was added to the jam, Debbie. Thank you!

  11. A verse we need to always keep in the front of our minds. If we could just remember this it would remind us we have peace.

  12. Faith and happiness do not
    necessarily have to go
    together. In fact, sometimes
    my faith is strongest when
    I am in my most unhappy
    state. Faith rises when our
    circumstances seem the most
    daunting.After years of just
    arguing with God and being
    upset when things seemed to
    go wrong, I finally began
    to see how the enemy's plans
    for our demise will always
    bring about God's perfect
    plan for our good. It's a
    win win situation with Him.

  13. Hi Deb: How's goin? I guess there's no Friday Flashback this week at least I didn't see one this morning. Maybe I'll go look now, but I did put one up. Have a great weekend.

  14. Don't you just love that happiness and joy just aren't the same? How many times in this earthly life do suppose our circumstances can do nothing more than make us unhappy? We live of course in such a fallen, sinful world. Trials and troubles certainly are everywhere we turn. And yet our joy can be ever present. It is soo certainly in what lies ahead. Keeping our heads focused on that becomes the never ending need. This was a great post as always. Have a wonderful week-end...HUGS, Debbie

  15. Smiling right now at your honesty and your heart! And... I agree with every word... The feelings and the circumstances are GOING to change... but not God!!! HE never changes!!

    Hugs sis...

  16. Yes, joy happens inspite of our circumstances...I am learning to see the joy in each day.

    Thanks for your encouragment, Debbie!

    Living for Him, Joan

  17. I'm sorry life is rough for you right now, but it sounds like you are on the right track. We have to praise Him in the storms as well as in the sunshine. We're going through rough times too and I posted a couple songs on my blog that have been an encouragement for me this week. If you get a chance, you might want to check them out. My sister said something the other day that really got to me. She said, you need to start thanking God because after all He sent the answer 2000 years ago. And you know she's right, Jesus is the answer to all our problems.

  18. OH, I do love Sarah Young! Thanks for this awesome post. I'm struggling with an issue that I have GOT to let go of and allow God to do His work. It has not been a happy time, but praise Him for the joy He always provides even in the midst of the storms.

    Abundant blessings to you! Hugs!

  19. I have learned through many trials that praise does work wonders! Sometimes, I may praise the Lord through gritted teeth at first but that disappears and true praise rises up to greet the Lover of my soul! And I'm like you, allowing the Lord to hold my hand. Debbie, this was a great post! Praying for you! Love you!

  20. Hi there! Just connected through Twitter and have enjoyed your music and your blog this afternoon!

  21. I am reading back through your posts this afternoon also, and this post really blesses me. Thank you for sharing.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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