Heart Choices: Music or Silence? -->

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Music or Silence?

Are you the kind of person who enjoys music? 

Do you play music:
  • while you work? 
  • when you exercise?
  • when you drive?
  • when you study?
  • when you read?
I enjoy music.  But I have a hard time focusing on my work while music is playing.  Before I know it, I'm singing or thinking of something else instead of what I'm supposed to be doing.  So, I often find there is silence most of the day as I work.

But there is one kind of music that is calming to me and yet not distracting.  I love to listen to piano music.  Maybe I'm partial because my mom played the piano.  And I did take lessons as a child but never was very good, sad to say.

Recently, Lisa Shaw wrote a blog post on Sharing Life with Lisa.  She introduced us to Tammi Yates. Tammi is a very talented musician.   I received a copy of her CD called Surrender as a gift from Jill of Forever N Ever N Always.  Thank you Jill!

I love this CD!  While I was in the moutains last week, this was the only music I listened to.  It was so soothing, calming and peaceful.  Just like Tammi! 

A few of the songs she included on this CD are:
  • God is So Good
  • I Surrender All
  • Finally Home
  • Amazing Grace
She uses a Korg Triton Studio keyboard.  There are sounds of rain, thunder, streams and dolphins in the background. 

Talk about relaxing!

I was able to pray and read my Bible with the music playing quietly in the background.

I've become blogging buddies with Tammi Yates and ...she's precious. 

I hope you'll stop by and say hello on her blog at A Vessel in the Potter's Hand.  You can also listen to some samples of her music on her website.

So back to my original question.  When you work do you prefer silence or music?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I prefer to listen to music when I work, especially if I am in a place that has lots of distracting sounds such as talking. For me it is easier to focus when inner, stray thoughts are directed into the music (otherwise my thoughts are all over the place). I guess I have to keep that part of my mind occupied so that the functional part of my brain can focus.

    I love a variety of music, but especially beautiful harmonies, instrumentals, Celtic-type music, or something like a Spanish-guitar. Something peaceful and uplifting to the spirit.

    I will definitely check out Tammi's music.

  2. Music is my life and my motivation. It also sets my moods in fact I have a soundtrack in my life.

  3. I'm so glad you enjoy her CD - I LOVE listening to it as well. I might even try falling asleep to it :-) My mind is so busy lately I need something to listen to as I fall asleep - ocean sounds, etc.

    I love you and sending big hugs!

  4. I love to listen to music. Especially uplifting worship music.

  5. When I really need to concentrate, I put on my head-phones to listen to music (I work in a huge office with many cubicle :))...I will have to check out Tammi Yates' site.

    Thank you for sharing...

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris

  6. I am a true music lover and
    have a vast CD collection to
    prove it. I love to have it
    playing almost constantly.
    There are times during the
    early morning and evening
    though when I just want the
    silence so I am better able
    to tune in to the Lord.
    I am going to check out
    Tammi's site. Thanks!

  7. I used to love music playing at all times but have become a "silence" lover as of the last few years, at least when I am home alone.

    Maybe it was all those years of teaching school, raising three sons, and having a husband who has to have some kind of "noise" going but I find I am needing the silence.

    I am also easily distracted. But the last few days I have been playing more. So I may be headed back the other direction.

    Your trip to the mountains sounds so restful and peaceful and "cool" I hope.

  8. Debbie:

    I'm so glad you shared Tammi and her music. I went and listened to some and read her blog. Precious! I had seen Lisa's page that day and meant to go and visit Tammi so this was a good time to do it.

    I know you loved her music during your days away. I plan to get it as well.

    Love you sis!

  9. i'm exactly like you, love music but
    find it distracting. except for piano
    music, which is always so lovely and

    i will check out this darling girl's


  10. Dear Debbie, What a pleasant surprise to hop over here and read about music...more particular, the music God gave me to share with others. :) Thank you for being a tool in His hands to share it with your special friends, for the glory of God! Music has a way of touching a heart deep down, preparing the way for the Word. Like a plow in the garden, preparing the soil for planting seeds, God allows music to do the same for our hearts. I enjoy quiet music too. If it's too bouncy, I'll end up singing along too (and THAT could be dangerous! LOL :) Guess there's a time and a place for everything--even different music tempos! :) Thanks again for sharing me with your sweet friends! :) God bless you! Big hugs!

  11. Could be both depending on the mood I'm in. I love playing with my guitar and use it to worship Him with the songs He had given me. Though I don't know how to sing:)

    Thanks for sharing a wonderful artist! God bless you and have a great day sister Debbie!

  12. Beautiful sharing dear friend. I so enjoy the music of Tammi's heart that GOD poured into her that it would flow out of her to all of us.

    I find that I enjoy singing to the LORD as much as I enjoy listening to worship/praise songs.

    Love you and your heart!

  13. I am soooo touched and honored by you...
    Just a note about of course~~~Tammi's Fantastic CD,,,it is Sooo Inspired by God,,,truly a blessing to listen too. Kent and I also purchased one...Its just beautiful!!! Just like she is.. What wonderful and Blessed by our Sweet Lord you Lisa and Tammmi are.. Thanks for encouraging and Inspiring soooo many of us Debbie..
    May God continue to bless you~~
    Big Iowa Huggggggs Dena

  14. Hi - I love music. I picked up the piano about 4 years ago - its a great challenge and enjoyement. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out - I'm always looking for new artists to listen to.


  15. I prefer silence when I'm working on writing or something like that, but housework definitely enjoy the music. I'll have to check out the samples.

  16. I prefer silence when I'm working on writing or something like that, but housework definitely enjoy the music. I'll have to check out the samples.

  17. Debbie, thank you so much for sharing Tammi's music on your blog. As Tam's Mom, I may be a little partial :-) but her music has always been played from her heart. A gift from God. Thank you for your prayers for her too. I am new to this blog stuff, but am thankful for all of you dear christian women and men that share things closest to their heart. Tam's Mom..Janice

  18. I was introduced to Tammi, too, and just love her sweet spirit and awesome reflections on the Lord...

    Music makes everything better....

  19. My partner and I really enjoyed reading this blog post, I was just itching to know do you trade featured posts? I am always trying to find someone to make trades with and merely thought I would ask.


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