I would never have said that in the past because I've been a consistent exerciser for most of my life. It's only been in the last six months that I've found myself overstressed, overeating and ...not exercising.
One of the problems has been that I sold my treadmill and exercise equipment when we moved. I hadn't realized how vital they were to my daily routine.
I'm attending my niece's wedding over Labor Day weekend. I have lots of dresses from which to choose but none of them fit me anymore.
I couldn't believe it! I've gained 20 pounds and my clothes are way too tight.
So I joined a gym. The Rio Vista Recreational Center is close by and it's a great facility.
I've been exercising every day this week. I love to get on the treadmill. I forgot how much I actually enjoy this time.
It's a great facility and best of all, it's close by. I actually look forward to this daily workout again. I'm drinking more water too.
But one of the greatest benefits of daily exercising is that I'm starting to have ...more energy.
Yes, it's really true.
How about you?
- Do you use the excuse that you're too tired to exercise?
- Could you carve out 45 minutes each day to take care of your body?
- What motivates you to get moving and lose that extra weight?
Blessings and love,
What a beautiful place to exercise Debbie! I almost thought it was my lake out here, they look so similar. I posted it once, not sure if you saaw it. So... we have no excuse, do we? To have such a nice place to work out is a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you. I began the day after I got back from Norway. Just this morning made 6 weeks, and I've lost 11 pounds. I am learning so much more about protein and fiber and healthy fresh food. And yes... my whole attitude is more cheerful and upbeat, and my energy level is really good. There are so many reasons to do this.
Keep after it... those dresses are going to fit! :)
Love you!
Thanks for the motivation sis.
ReplyDeleteI have never enjoyed exercising before, but about three weeks ago, I joined a zumba class and I have really been enjoying it! I feel a lot better during the day too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great help for your heart and overall health! "Right choice! [from the heart] :)]....
ReplyDeleteI sort of took a break and don't want to re-injure whatever I hurt from my shoulder after last week's work. I am lazy sometimes to exercise but I love the stationary bike my hubby put in the garage. So that inspires me. I just pray my willingness to do so will last!
Thank you sister Debbie for your encouragement and prayers. Glory to God for hearing our petitions. Even if not answered soon, how beautiful that must be if all His children are talking to Him in unity! I picture that...
Have a great weekend! You're right. When we exercise, the energy level is higher. God bless.
Are yopu speaking directly to me?? :-)
ReplyDeleteI know I really have to do something, thanks for the reminder.
I haven't been here in so long. I just want you to know that I've missed you. Thanks for dropping by BIKE WITH JACKIE. I love your awareness message today.
ReplyDeleteI have been so well with focusing on my health and losing weight - but seem to have hit a plateau. Always asking myself "What's wrong???" when I know along it is the exercise part of the program. I just don't enjoy it. I don't get the "rush" if I will just get started - I moan and groan the whole time. Sad, I know. I really need the motivation.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, sorry for the long blah blah...but wanted to ask you about fitness coaches. Not necessarily a trainer but coaches...a cheerleader (or motivator) of sorts, I guess. I've heard of them but not sure what I think. Just thought I would get another opinion.
Glad you have found your way back to the treadmill! Have a great weekend.
So excited you got that membership and enjoying it...that is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you will be ready for that wedding and beautiful in whatever dress you wear.
Thanks for the reminder...I missed two days this week...just the didn't want to get out in the heat excuse...oh, well, I have got to hit the trail in the morning...thanks for the words of encouragement.
exercise really is a 'heart choice.' i'm a
ReplyDeletepretty regular work out girl, but i never
seem to feel that energy everyone talks
good luck on the dresses and the fitness
i pray your nieces wedding is as special
as she has always dreamed.
I'm in a routine, Debbie, but it is not challenging me enough so I have to increase (so that I can decrease!)
ReplyDeleteLove the pics of the gym you joined. You're my hero.
Love you,
I wish you the best!! I'm so glad you have joined a gym to work out...I sometimes wish I had workout equipment here at home, but have no place to even keep it!!
ReplyDeleteSo for now, I'll just keep following my walk/kick dvd!!!
Hey Debbie,,,just popping in for a sec....Its GREAT that you have found time for the exercise machine Gilrfriend!!! You are looking GORGEOUS anyway from what I see!!! This will be an inspiration for others I hope..
ReplyDeleteThere are soooo many benefits to a regular exercise routine and your choice of where is beautiful too.
I thought you already worked out...
If I didn't exercise everday I think I'd go stir crazy inside.. It release soooo many great feelings for a person.. If I am worried,,tired,,upset,, or even down a bit I get on the one I have here at home.. Of course I lose weight if I cut foods out of my day like anyone else.. But the past 6 months I went to eating only certain things in a daily routine.. Once in a while like 1 x a month I may eat a bit of something different..I do consider it a blessings for the fact that I do NOT eat meat or chicken either.
Weird huh??? It has worked for me for years...WOW,,sorry for jabbering on so,,it was not my intention when I arrived here :0)
I do pray this will motaviate others too. I'll send up some prayers for you too.
My world would be AWFUL with out prayers...I do BELIEVE in the power of Jesus through them and in thanking Him often each and everyday!!! Love You
Blessings and Hugs Sis~~~ Dena..
"You go Girls"
My friend and I will begin our morning walking again next week. I have not been very good this summer.
YAY!!!! I love when you post a fitness friday post!!! I added your link to my post today. We are in the exact same boat, Girl. Those 20 pounds. It's so frustrating not being able to fit into clothes, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reading about your journey. Mine is plastered all over the internet now, so I guess I better get some good results.
I miss you!!!
Cool that you found a great facility close by. You are right Debbie that exercise does give more energy. My excuse right now? Too hot. I really want to start walking again, but my flesh is so weak. Thank you (again) for the reminder that exercise is good for body and soul.
ReplyDeleteLove & peace,
<>< Iris
If I could ever get this principal down it would solve lots of problems......Thanks for reminding me...
ReplyDeleteDear Debbie,
ReplyDeleteThis blog post made me happy.
I have actually been worrying about you not writing about exercising anymore.
I figured out, all the moving and trouble took all your time and energy.
Now that you're figuratively on your feet again, I am so happy.
I will continue to pray for you anyway..
Feeling better, more energy, better mood, and fitting into all my smaller clothes :-) GREAT POST!
ReplyDeleteThings like this really makes me appreciate Australia and 'civilization'. Living in Norway the usual things just aren't available in some places. (Many places don't have gyms!) Recently I've started an exercise class and there was such a big demand that I've had to open two more classes and I still have over 100 people on the waiting list. I want to open more classes for them but I don't think I can physically give more than three classes a week at the moment...lol. I find that living in small places if you want something then you have to do it yourself. (Sometimes I wish that I could just go to a gym and have someone else tell me what to do for a while...lol)