Heart Choices: Looking Forward to a Wedding -->

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Looking Forward to a Wedding

Guess who's getting married this Saturday?

I can still remember Kristin as a little girl.  What would she be like when she grew up?
She can be a goofball at times.  That's Kristin on the left and Katie on the right.  And yes, that's Uncle Greg and Aunt Debbie having fun too.
The last wedding we attended together was when my sister got married.  That was 14 years ago today.  Happy Anniversary Christine and Pat!
When Kristin graduated high school, I took her to New York City for a week.  We had a blast and she got her picture taken with a few celebs.  Yes, that's Charlie Gibson and Kristin.
Here she is with Robin Roberts of Good Morning America.
Kristin went on to college in Orlando at UCF.  After graduating, she obtained her Master's Degree in Speech Pathology at the University of Southern Florida.  She's been working in the school system in St. Petersburg for one year already.

 Here's Kristin with her future husband Kevin.  Aren't they too cute?
Here's Kristin at her bridal shower. 

As you can tell, I'm getting excited about this wedding.  I'll be flying to Tampa on Thursday.  The rehearsal dinner is Friday and the wedding is Saturday.  It will be fun to see my family as it's been too long since I've visited.

I have one more secret to share but I'll save that for tomorrow, OK? 

Debbie Petras
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  1. Have a blessed time and excited for you!

    Love and hugs - remember to hug your secret for me!

    xoxo Jill

  2. what a darling couple! i pray many
    blessings on their marriage.

    i can't wait to see the secret.

  3. She's cute and they grow up way too fast don't they!?!

  4. Your pictures are wonderful! She is so adorable... won't she be a beautiful bride!

    I can't wait FOR YOU!!! :)

  5. Kristin is a beautiful girl,almost as pretty as her aunt!
    I like the pictures when you are all together. Everybody can see how close bonded you are.
    The oe taken in the limo is so special.
    I guess they are half your girls as well, aren't they?

    I wish you all well on your well at the wedding. Family ties are so important.
    God bless your stay and your journey.

  6. They do grow up so fast. She is a beautiful young lady and her young man is so handsome. I hope you have a super time with your family. What a blessing. Hugs, Marty

  7. aw, shucks, can't you do an update to this post and share it now--??

    Precious couple and the photographer is incredible!

  8. How wonderful to see how close you all are, and I just know this will be a very special wedding day! May this precious young couple be blessed in their new life together. Can't wait to find out what the secret is, Debbie! Have a wonderful time!!

    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Kristin was a cute little girl who has grown into a beautiful woman! I hope you have a wonderful time at her wedding...I'll tune in tomorrow for your surprise!!

    Living for Him, Joan

  10. Oh you are going to have so much fun my friend.
    Just know that when you're in Tampa, if you look due East and wave I'm right there on the other side waving back! LOL!

  11. Awww...you are such a wonderful auntie! I hope that the wedding is perfect! xo

  12. She is going to be such a beautiful bride.

  13. What fun! ANd so good to have time away in Florida with your family celebrating together.

    Enjoy every minute.

    happy day,

  14. She is going to be a BEAUTIFUL bride! I can see your Auntie love beaming through this message!

    Love you!

    Hey, what's the secret? Can't wait to read tomorrow!! :)

    Love you girl!

  15. How exciting for you...She will be such a pretty bride...I will be in your shoes on the 19th of Sept. Soo fun huh?? God's blessing on the young couple...HUGS

  16. Oh, what a gorgeous couple! Many blessings to them as they start their new life as one. Enjoy the wedding and I hope you share pictures when you come back.


  17. I'm so glad you get to go the wedding. I think the wedding, plus all your other activities are going to be so much fun. We all need a little fun sometime, so go for it. Have the best time! Love you, h

  18. What a sweet couple, Debbie. I am sure you are having a blast visiting with family.


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