Heart Choices: I'm Still Praising the Lord -->

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I'm Still Praising the Lord

Extravagant Grace

I continue to participate in eLisa's Praise the Lord in this moment at Extravagant Grace.

Our praise challenge for this week is to do a search on the word praise on Bible Gateway.  The Scripture that spoke to my heart was:
Psalm 40:3 He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD.
We were also asked to post a praise song. Here's mine:

There's nothing like speaking the name of Jesus as I'm praising Him in this moment.  It helps me to keep my eyes on Him, especially when life isn't going along as I planned.  I remember that He sees all and knows all and best of all He is sovereign and has my best interests at heart.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Praising our God for Who He is, this is truly KEY! We can praise His name because of JESUS; the most powerful name as recorded in Philippians 2. He is Awesome God who knows all; and in that knowing He knows whether we will choose to obey or choose to disobey. As a disciple of God because of Jesus; we must remember to be disciplined. Being disciples of praising His name. When we complain we remain; when we praise God's name, we will be raised! Great post!

  2. Debbie, great choice of a praise song. Amen. Blessings to you dear.

  3. Beautiful! Love your heart and you!

    Thanks for sharing this song - because there is NO name sweeter or more powerful than His name...and always lifts my spirits and me above anything I'm going through.

    Hugs and blessings for your week! Focusing on praising Him through this season in life with you!

  4. Sweet Debbie,

    Thank you for checking in on me last week :) You are so wonderful. Even though I haven't been blogging as much this summer...I think of you often and I pray for you every time!

    I hope you are doing well and feeling the presence of God like never before :)

    I love the verse you posted today...thank you for sharing.

    Have a wonderful week, friend! I'm thankful for you!

    Katie :)

  5. Dearest sister,

    The Name of JESUS I speak with privilege, worship and great love. Nothing in the world like HIS Name....the Name of Jesus. Whether spoken in a shout of praise or in a whisper of worship -- His Name is GREAT!

    Thank you for sharing!

    So excited to see you in just a few days....love you!

  6. Dear Debbie~
    Oh this is one of my all time favortie songs! I sang this song in front of my church as a teenager, and it still brings a tear...Praise God!What a blessing to have read this post this morning..thank you so much:)

    Hugs and Blessings,

  7. No other name brings me peace when I whisper it - Jesus. No other name comforts me when I cry it - Jesus. And no other name gives me such joy as I shout the name of Jesus. Thank you, Debbie, for sharing this song, and as I listened to it this morning, it will remain with me today as I seek to praise Him.

    Blessings and joy,

  8. I have been finding myself
    singing this song daily for the
    last few days. It brings such
    peace and contentment. Your
    first commenter and I agree in
    that we praise Him for Who He
    Is above all things and above
    all He can do. He Who was and
    is and is to come holds our
    hearts in His merciful hands.
    No better place to be than in
    Him. I enjoyed this, Debbie.
    Blessings & Hugs,

  9. Oh boy does that song take me back...my husband sang it at church!
    There is just something about that name!!!!!!!!

  10. This song so reminds me of my mom...she was a beautiful singer and often sang in church. She loved singing this song. I love this song - and I LOVE the Homecoming Friends!!

  11. Hey Debbie,
    Love this scripture and this song. I am asking Him for a "new song" this week.

    Rejoicing with you in his goodness,

  12. I love this song...as a teenager, I spoke the recitation while the youth choir sang the song...I was saved, but didn't really understand fully the meaning of the words I spoke...that has changed now, praise the Lord!

  13. This is such a powerful song! I'm so glad you are continuing to praise the Lord in midst of your difficult circumstances. Praying for you!

  14. Isn't tha just the best song?


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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