Heart Choices: The Reluctant Entertainer -->

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The Reluctant Entertainer

Are you a reluctant entertainer?  Do you feel like everything has to be perfect?
  • An amazing meal
  • A perfectly clean house
  • Interesting conversation
  • Well behaved children
You get the idea!

Having such high expectations would be enough for me to throw in the towel and say ...never!

That's where Sandy Coughlin comes in handy.  I've been following her blog and her tag line is ...real entertaining for real people.

Sandy's written a book called "The Reluctant Entertainer" and she's here to rescue us wanna be entertainers.

Melissa of The Inspired Room is offering a giveaway: an apron, tea towel and a copy of Sandy's book.  You can link to her post here and learn more.

I created the widget below to accumulate opinions about Sandy's new book.  If you've read the book, feel free to share and interact directly below. 


Although I'm not doing much entertaining lately, I certainly hope that will change in the near future.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. She has a fabulous site. Love the apron. I entered too. If I'm not the winner, I'm def buying it. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

    BTW, I'm having a giveaway too. Be sure to stop by and enter.

  2. I popped over to Sandy Coughlin's blog. She has some great tips and hints on entertaining! I have often gotten stressed out when entertaining...but I think the very most important thing to remember is what Sandy said - to think about others and not ourselves. I think that shows true hospitality.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Living for Him, Joan

  3. Do you know I didn't invite people over for lunch last week because our grass needed to be cut? Now tell me I don't have issues.


    I don't need to be perfect.
    I don't need to be perfect.
    I don't need to be perfect.

    More work needed...

  4. Oh, I'm definitely that person. Too much trouble to get everything perfect. Ha. Of course, there is no way to make a 100+ year old house "perfect" anyway.

    Love ya!

  5. The most healing part of us moving into our temporary home was when I invited guest in..now it isn't the home we had before, but it is what God has given us for now.
    Of course with all my adult children I never missed an opportunity to entertain them...decorate, cook and enjoy what I call our "celebration table".
    It refreshes me and I have learned to lower my exceptions and use paper plates sometimes...not very often and my sons laugh if they see me use them!

  6. Debbie:

    I have followed her blog from the beginning of my own blog, and I love her creative ideas!

    I haven't seen the book yet, but that would be a fun one to have.

    Our entertaining is so much more casual these days... family, and kids. When it comes to our friends, most of us choose to go out to eat! :) Christmas and holidays are my fun time to entertain in our home. Love that!

    Hugs ebbie!


  7. Thanks for the link...I would love to read this book....

  8. Back in the day, Debbie, I loved to entertain! One of my favorite movies is "Blast from the Past"...if you havent seen it, Sissy Spacek plays my part to the tee!

    Love ya!

  9. Hey! Thanks for sharing this wonderful info! I hopped over to both of the blogs and was so glad to have found others who feel the same way I do. . ."Everything must be perfect." Goodness, if I keep waiting for everything to be perfect, this ole house will remain empty! You'll have to read my comment about my "fears and fiasco" during last Christmas. Ahh...I need to get a copy of this book, pronto! LOL Thanks again!

  10. I love to entertain, however, my beloved is not so found of it. I have to check out the book. Thanks for the information.

  11. this is terrible but i keep my doors closed and drapes drawn because i hate unexpected guests. I want the house at least clean if someone is going to visit. I will pop over that her blog, sounds like something i need....lol

  12. Debbie it looks like a wonderful and helpful book. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Have a blessed day.
    ~Melissa :)

  13. Hi dear friend! I will have to check out her blog!

    I love you!

  14. This sounds so interesting. I actually like to entertain but do it infrequently b/c I do feel like everything has to be "just right" and it's so much effort! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I missed the giveaway but added the book to my Amazon wish list. It definitely describes me.

  16. Well, I haven't read the book, but I need to. I plan on being more intentional about the opening up of my home in days to come. Truly, I need some good ideas, so I'm going to check this out.

    Thanks for stopping by today and leaving your kind, encouraging comment. I'm sorry for Sassy's departure, but I know you've made a life-long friend in her.


  17. Sounds like a book I could use! I don't entertain so much anymore because I'm not up to making everything perfect. Sometimes health issues interfere and new ways of doing things must be found. Thanks for sharing this, Debbie.

  18. I really enjoy her blog too, always good ideas!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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