Heart Choices: A Bloggy Meeting -->

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A Bloggy Meeting

Have you ever met any of your blogging buddies in person?  I've had the pleasure of meeting about a dozen over the course of my blogging life and I have to say ...I've never been disappointed.

Today was no exception!  Guess who was crazy enough to be vacationing in Phoenix in the middle of summer? 

Besides having the pleasure of meeting Barbie for breakfast at Paradise Bakery (a favorite of mine), I also got to meet two of her closest friends Laura and Kristin.  So now I have two more wonderful friends.

When the three of them arrived, I had to laugh.  The atmosphere in Paradise Bakery changed.  There was laughter and smiles and hugs all around.  Who would have guessed it was the first time we met?

Barbie is from Northern California where it's much cooler right now.  Kristin moved to Phoenix several years ago, so she and Lauren came to visit her. 

I loved each one of these gals!  There's something about Christian sisters.  We all had something wonderful in common ...our personal relationship with the  Lord. 

This is a photo of Barbie and me.

This is Laura and Kristin. 

Of course, Barbie and I had to share some of what we've learned through blogging and the relationships we've formed.  We promised to email each other some of our favorite blogs we often visit. Of couse, now I will be Facebook friends with Laura and Kristin.  I'm so glad Kristin lives locally as I hope we get to visit again.  And as I was sharing during our conversation, Laura stopped and started praying for my concern.  I was so touched by this!

I think the Lord knew that I could use a dose of real life bloggy love today.  And that's exactly what I received. 

I encourage you to visit Barbie at My Freshly Brewed Life

How about you?  Have you met any bloggy friends in real life?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. How fun!

    Can't wait to meet you in person too Debbie!

    Love you,

  2. These ladies were blessed to be able to meet you. I know how they felt. I feel privileged to be one of those bloggy friends to have met you in person.

  3. I've met several, and you are right: it's an amazing blessing and you feel immediately close, not like it's a first time meeting! So glad you got to do that!

  4. I have had the pleasure of meeting several bloggy friends also and you are right...I have never been disappointed. and to have a new friend in Phoenix is even better!!

  5. Oh what a great time and such a blessing. It sounds like such fun. I know they were all so happy to meet you also. What a wonderful day. Hugs, Marty

  6. I have met Elaine at Peace for the Journey. We have gone on a couple of weekend trips with our hubbies and have had do much fun. She and I have become very close friends.

    This September, I will be going to a gIRL Retreat...a retreat for women bloggers. I am soooo excited, because I will get the opportunity to meet many more of my blogging friends!

    I'm praying that some day I will get to meet YOU!

  7. That should read "SO much fun" not "DO much fun"! lol

  8. This is SO special! I love how GOD in His faithfulness; brings His children together from all over the world through a venue called "blogging". Who would have ever thought? Well, GOD did!!!

    You are all beautiful!

    Love you.

  9. How wonderful. I haven't met any one yet but I have talked to one on the phone. It was like we have known each other for years.

  10. Love meeting my blogging friends. Although I've only meet one so far(Lisa Shaw) I'm looking forward to when God orchestrate the other meetings. :)

  11. I am so happy for you. I have met Marsha from marsha's musings. I may get to meet Lisa and her family next weekend, her blog is family life.

  12. That is just wonderful...no I haven't met anyone yet, but I have only been at this a couple of months.
    Isn't God so good to encourage you and lift you up...blessings

  13. I haven't yet, but I hope to some day!

  14. I know how hot it is in Phx, but I'll tell you, everybody looks crisp and happy! So glad you gals had fun. I'll look up Barbie's blog.

  15. So much fun! I hope to meet bloggy friends in the future too!

  16. i'm so happy for you and your lucky
    blog friends. you have made some
    wonderful relationships.

    it's really fun to hear about your
    fun coffee.


  17. Good for you Debbie! What fun you have had sharing fellowship with some pretty wonderful blogging buddies. I still hope that one of these days....

    So glad you did this today, it's such an encouragement to share with 'heart' friends!

    Love you...

  18. Oh what fun! I haven't had the pleasure of meeting any bloggy friends yet, but I'm looking forward to it at the Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference next week. I can't wait!! Your post got me even more excited!!
    If you're ever in Michigan, I'd love to meet YOU!
    Blessings to you~
    Cindy :)

  19. Debbie......Looks like you wonderful gals had a wonderful time!! Oh, I luv Paradise Bakery, too!!

    Sweet Blessings!

  20. Oh Debbie, what a joy it was to meet you! I really felt connected with you from our first "hello" and big hug. You are a blessing to me and I look forward to walking and sharing our journey together.

    On a side note, I look so big in this picture! Well, like I said, I must get over it!

    Thank you for coming out to meet me today. I am truly blessed!

  21. How wonderful and what a blessing to meet up with some "bloggy friends"! It is amazing how God brings people together. I haven't met anyone...yet, but know that someday I will =)

    Living for Him, Joan

  22. I love love love Barbie! She is so sweet!

    I have met about 10 to 12 bloggers in real life. So much fun!


  23. I have been looking forward to hearing about your meeting Barbie :) I knew she was coming and meeting you! What a blessing for you both! You are both such a blessing to all of us who know you!!! So glad you were able to meet and spend time face to face!

  24. You all look beautiful! How fantastic to get to meet! :)

  25. OH! I did not see this Debbie! I only started blogging in may of 2011! Thank you for letting me have a look. I so look forward to meeting some of my sweet Blogging Sisters in Christ as He allows!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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