Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesday ~ The Church -->

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In Other Words Tuesday ~ The Church

It's In Other Words Tuesday and Tami of The Next Step is our host today.

The quote Tami chose for us to write about comes from a book I recently read called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.

As a believer, the Holy Spirit lives within me.  However, I must choose daily to yield my life to the Holy Spirit's control. 

I can obey the Holy Spirit or give in to my flesh.  My flesh will continue to struggle for control this side of eternity.

As I think about our churches where believers come together to worship and grow in their faith, many decisions are made in the wrong way.  Committees are formed and conferences on church growth are attended. 

But have we forgotten that if each one of us yields to the control of the Holy Spirit we have all we need to change the church ...one heart at a time?

If you are a believer, the Holy Spirit has given you a gift to use for the common good.  They are chosen for us by God.

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit."  1 Corinthians 12:4
"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good." 1 Corinthians 12:7
"All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He gives them to each one, just as He determines." 1 Corinthians 12:11

What would happen if we really believed this and lived it out each day?

I believe the world would see something quite different than they may be seeing today.

As individual people live Spirit-filled lives, change would happen in the church.  My desire is that the world would take notice and see that difference and ask why. 

May they know us ...by our love.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Well said Debbie! Our sermon Sunday was on 1 Cor 13 and focused on the fact that the Corinthian church was "doing" work but with the wrong attitude--and that this chapter was about our attitude of love being so much more important than what we accomplish. Challenging stuff. Your post reinforced what I have been mulling over this week. Thank you!

  2. That reminds me of the Maranatha Singers song from the 70's/early 80's...

    They will know we are Christians
    By our love
    By our love
    Yes, they'll know that we are Christians by our love"

    Very well said, my friend.

  3. But have we forgotten that if each one of us yields to the control of the Holy Spirit we have all we need to change the church ...one heart at a time?

    I can't change the church singlehandedly, but I can do my part as you do and many others do and one heart at a time true change will take place. Thanks for joining us today, Debbie, and providing the phrase one heart at a time which will stick with me beyond today.

  4. I love the cartoon! Really cinches what you are saying in your post. Yes, we did have a similar take on our post - both mentioning the gifts of the Spirit, and walking by the Spirit and not in the flesh. A great lesson to be reminded of.

  5. WOW! Burning in my heart always are my dad's words: "it starts with ME"........such a simple truth that can change the world if we only LET GOD. Powerful. You certainly are known by YOUR love.

    Carol Joy

  6. you are so right it is our free will that chooses to allow the holy spirit to work through us all though he is present in our lives we choose how to live

  7. Amen. It is through all the me..s that change begins and grows.
    May I be on my knees allowing the Holy Spirit to begin a work in me.
    loving you, ~ linda

  8. Debbie are you speaking of the book Crazy Love? I have heard of it and it is terrific.

  9. Amen...I love your statement about the world seeing the difference and asking why...and then hopefully how can I have that too?...

  10. Hi Deb!

    So glad to see you! Thanks for coming by the blog today! I really enjoyed reading everyone's talks today and sharing in them. It was a blessing.

    Wish you a wonderful week! Be blessed sweet sister.

  11. Dear Sister,

    All I need to say to this truth filled message is AMEN!!!

    Love you!!!

  12. Dear Debbie,
    I loved the former foot ball player that was on Life Today on Monday. He now has a church of 12,000. They are on fire for the Lord. The people who attend are making a difference in their community by going into the old people's home, helping the widows and single moms, visting those in prison, feeding the hungry etc. Each one is using the spiritual gift that God chose to give them. The world will know we are Christians by our love, not just Bible reading and prayer meetings. That is so important too, but all of these are needed. The city of Tempe has a Christian mayor, and that community is making a difference for Christ. They recently puchased portable showers so that the homeless would have a place to get clean. The world would be much better place if every Christian reached out to those in need by being the hands and feet of Jesus. Then they would be hungry for what we have.

  13. We often forget that we are members of one body - when one suffers, we all suffer; when one rejoices, we all rejoice. Thank you for the reminder.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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