Heart Choices: Life Group Fellowship 2010 -->

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Life Group Fellowship 2010

It's easy to get lost in a large church. You can attend and never really get to know people.

Years ago, when I first started attending my church, I sat in the back pew and quickly exited after the service. But I missed out on so much by not getting involved and meeting others.

Now, I attend a small group Bible study called Life Group. My friend Marcia started this particular class as a place for people to really get to know one another. We go through good times and bad times and times of challenge. In the midst of it all, we know that we can count on each other to pray and lend a hand.

And we do Bible studies. We're currently doing Chip Ingram's study on Romans 12 called R12. It's really a good one.

But today we had a fellowship. That's always fun since we each bring a dish to eat; yum!Since we have several new members, Kathryn and Dave printed off handouts and we were asked to complete them. They asked questions like:

  • where you were born
  • your first car
  • how many countries you've visited
  • high school colors and mascot
  • most unusual job
  • favorite TV show
  • favorite music
  • favorite Bible verse

Then Dave started reading the answers and we had to guess who it was. It was such a fun time and we got to know one another better.

What a great ice breaker! There are many people in our group originally from Texas so there was plenty of Texas humor.

Nancy, Amber, Tom and Steve who really isn't sleeping; LOL. He and his wife Tesa brought the Starbucks coffee.

Hue and Andreas are originally from Indonesia
Marcia, Martha and Mickey

Kathryn and Ruth seem to be listening intently.

Rex and Jess having a good laugh

It was a fun Sunday morning for me. It's easy to isolate yourself when life is challenging. I'm so glad to know I have friends in real life too.

Happy Sunday!

Debbie Petras
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  1. Praising God for your time of fellowship and how refreshed you walked away!

    Hugs and love,

  2. We also attend a very large church and it is a mixed blessing at times. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in what we call "small churches" within the larger church but it's also easy to just slip in for a service and slip out without really talking to anyone. Sometimes I prefer to do that but it's nice to know there are groups to be part of if I want to.

  3. Hi
    It is encouraging to hear of your time together. Steve just joined a life group today. I am shy at this time in my life. Funny I have always been the one to initiate.
    I may look into a ladies group?
    we just started attending Chandler Christian

  4. Such great fellowship...I attended smaller churches for most of my life...then about 3 years ago I found a large church to call home...I can relate to what you have shared...I am/tend to be very shy, so exiting, stage left, is a speciality...I think the smaller groups fill a great need in the body of Christ....

  5. What an awesome morning! I've looked into R12. Chip Ingram's a great teacher. Very engaging no matter what he's talking about.

    We didn't go to church today : ( Too much snow and ice and below 0 temps, so we called off and asked folks to get together in their homes and invite a neighbor in.

  6. We've gotten lost in large churches too. But in our current curch we have small groups called "cell groups." Jon and I joined after our very first service and have been in the same group for over five years. It has been such a lifeline to us through everything.

    It's awesome you found your place, Debbie!

    Love you!!

  7. :)
    Emailling you! Perfect timing on this one.


  8. Oh how wonderful, Debbie!

    And how awesome that you have a few Texans in your group! I totally know all about that Texas humor you are referring to!

    We just recently started going to a new church and we are signing up for small groups this month! We are very much looking forward to getting more involved in this way!

    Thanks for sharing!

    -Kate :)

  9. Life Groups just got organized in our church last fall and Tom and I are loving our new friends. I can really relate. I like that game you played. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Fellowship is marvelous and having fun is even better. But you are right - with mega-churches it is easy to get 'lost' if you don't make the first step (which is actually kind of sad though, if I think about it...)

    Love & peace,

  11. How fun to visit your Bible Study and see some familiar faces.


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