Heart Choices: Over The Top Award -->

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Over The Top Award

I was honored to receive the Over the Top blog award from Heatheroz of Oswald Cuties. Heather is a new blogging friend of mine and I'm just getting to know her. She's a mom of four and has such a beautiful face.

I loved reading Heather's answers to this fun quiz as it helped me to get to know her better. Thank you Heather! BTW, I hope you'll go to visit the Oswald Cuties. They really are too cute!

Here are the rules (I hate that word; LOL):

  1. You can use only one word!
  2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers!
  3. Alert them that you have given them this award!
  4. Have fun!

So, here goes:

  1. Where is your cell phone? Hiatus
  2. Your hair? Blonde
  3. Your mother? Heaven
  4. Your father? Home
  5. Your favorite food? Salmon
  6. Your dream last night? None
  7. Your favorite drink? Coffee
  8. Your dream/goal? Writer
  9. What room are you in? Office
  10. Your hobby? Blogging
  11. Your fear? Failure
  12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Traveling
  13. Where were you last night? Bed
  14. Something that you aren't? Singer
  15. Muffins? Tops
  16. Wish list item? Watch
  17. Where did you grow up? NY
  18. Last thing you did? Type
  19. What are you wearing? Sweats
  20. Your TV? Big
  21. Your pets? None
  22. Friends? Many
  23. Your life? Stressful
  24. Your mood? Determined
  25. Missing someone? Mom
  26. Vehicle? Lexus
  27. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
  28. Your favorite store? Online
  29. Your favorite color? Red
  30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
  31. Last time you cried? Yesterday
  32. Your best friend? Helen
  33. One place that I go to over and over? Bathroom
  34. One person who emails me regularly? Noreen
  35. Favorite place to eat? Postino

And now I get to pass this award to 6 of my favorite bloggers:

  1. Nananor of Life's Blessings
  2. Kim of Homesteader's Heart
  3. L-Jay of My Little Norway
  4. Mary of Pile of Smiles
  5. BP of Raindrops & Rainbows
  6. Charlotte of At Home in Scottsdale

I have lots of other favorite bloggers but I hope you'll visit a few of the ones I chose today.

It was actually fun to participate in this one. But it was hard to always come up with a one word answer. My husband says I'm a woman of many words so I'm thankful to ...be able to blog.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Dear Debbie, Thank you for this-what a great list of questions that helps others to get to know us.
    You are such a dear and I count myself blessed to be your friend.
    Hugs to you.

  2. Thank you Debbie. This was fun. I just posted my "one word" list.

  3. I loved your answers and yes, one word answers are so hard!! We need our word count for the day! lol

    I loved getting to know you better and some of your favorite bloggers are mine too so I will check out their answers!

    Love ya, sweet friend.

  4. Ahh!!! Great minds think alike! haha

    I was just typing your name down for this Blog Hug to pass to you. (I still credit you with that term :o).

    Oh well... it is such fun reading and learning more through these lists and such :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  5. Hi Sis, so glad I was able to visit with you today at your blog.

    I enjoyed reading your answers. I'm so with #24 today!!!

    Love and hugs and I'm praying still...

  6. Also, how is your sister Sweetie? I keep her in my prayers. Love you.

  7. Debbie, what fun to read your answers. I really enjoyed it. I also wanted to let you know that Cindy @ Applestone Cottage from Wisconsin is going to be here the last week of Oct. and wanted to meet all the Az. bloggers. We are planning another lunch at Gooseberries on Oct. 30th. You can email me at astrollthrulife@gmail.com and I will give you all the info. I so hope you can be there. Hugs, Marty

  8. Great award and truly neat to get to know you better!

    Love you and thinking of you today!

  9. Oh Debbie how fun! Thank you for picking me. This looks like a fun one that I will have to try to do. I'm so bad about it though. *sigh*
    My favorite color is Red too!
    Big hugs to you girlfriend.

  10. Congrats on your award! It is sooo beautiful!

  11. Hi Debbie!
    Really enjoyed reading your list and getting to know you better! I LOVE muffin tops too! If I could have used more than one word I would have said pumpking muffin tops!
    So happy to give you this award! I love your blog and wanted to send more followers your way!

  12. How fun! Thank you for this, I'll have to do it tomorrow or Friday. One word answers will be tough!

  13. These ARE great questions. Sometimes how you answer reveals as much as what you answer. If that makes any sense.

    Thanks for posting it!

  14. What a fun little test; I can just see you sitting there in your sweats, coffee cup near, bare feet. Is your hair in a pony tail?
    Love you, #32

  15. What a fun set of answers. I don't know that I've ever seen anyone whose favorite food was salmon. :o)


  16. Very cute! Love those one word answers. Congrats on the award. :-) Love to you, Debbie, and continual prayers.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hello, I'm Brazilian, and I'm very happy because I loved your blog.
    I saw your comment on Mike Waters's blog. I love his Joyful toons, too.
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I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

[name=DEBBIE PETRAS] [img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2CDrwq9-7eo/WV6tdbP-QgI/AAAAAAACfb0/ViqQSnSVaDsMLXyz3AEEzZ5-78luBHOGgCK4BGAYYCw/s1600/Debbie%2BFace%2Bblog.JPG] [description=]