Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Joy -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Joy

I love Thankful Thursdays! Since I know I will participate each week, I'm more aware of what I can be thankful for all week.

It's a matter of perspective. You can make the choice to focus on what's wrong in life ...or you can be on the lookout for what's right and good. We can't expect perfection in this life but we can be grateful when we get glimpses of the good.

Philippians 4:8-9 says, "Finally , brothers, whatever is true, whatever is
noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such

Happiness focuses on the momentary. I enjoy a good book, a vacation, getting my toes wet in the ocean, hiking in the mountains. I look in my closet and see a dress that I just HAD to have and at the time I was so happy. But the moment passes and the emotion doesn't last ...as time goes on.

In contrast, joy is an emotion that can persist regardless of the circumstances. And this is why:

  • I am a child of God
  • I've received His free gift of salvation through Jesus
  • I have peace with God
  • My sins have been forgiven past, present and future
  • My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life
  • When I die, I know where I'm going
  • This isn't my real home; I'm just passing through.
  • I will see my loved ones again in Heaven.
  • I will live with Jesus forever.

So, when I remember and focus on these things, I can't help but ...be joyful.

I still may struggle with certain issues in this life but I don't have to get all upset about it. I pray and submit to Him and then live in obedience to what He would have me to do.

Now don't forget to visit Iris at Grace Alone. She's back to hosting Thankful Thursday and you'll find other participating blogs to visit. Let's focus on being thankful and remembering the joy of our salvation.

Debbie Petras
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  1. very well said, debbie. God bless you now and always.

  2. Hi friend~ I'm just now catching up on your beautiful blog - and the Lord has blessed me and spoken to me through each post I read tonight. Thank you for pouring out from the overflow of your walk with the Lord. He is using you, my friend, and I'm so thankful for you.

    Love to you and my prayers... Jennifer

  3. Always a joy to be able to read your blog. If I stay up really later, our internet works and I can drench myself in all of God's goodness. I should be in bed, sigh, but it is a delight to catch up with you again.

    Blessings from Costa Rica,
    Sarah Dawn

  4. Beautifully put Debbie!

    So thankful for all of God's blessings!

    Wishing you a deeply blessed Thursday my sweet friend!

  5. Wonderfully and beautifully put! You have been such a blessing to get to know! I always wonder how I can squeeze one more person in to get to know but God seems to direct me to certain people and I'm glad He directed me to you!

  6. Wonderfully said and thanks for sharing this...Have a great day.

  7. What a beautiful message Debbie and so so true.

    I love you.

  8. Came back over to tell you that I decided to join in today with you Sweetie on my Sharing Life...

    Love you.

  9. Oh Debbie...I love that "this world is not my home!" How THANKFUL I am that is true!!!

    I enjoyed your thankful list...and the "dress in the closet"...yes! I have done that! AND I finally gave it away!

    Have a SUPER blessed week! and weekend!

    I love visiting with you! Let's head over to Mitford!!! in Father Tim's mustang convertible!

  10. Great list of thankfulness. It is so awesome to be able to look at all the ways the He blesses us and then to be able to be thankful for all He does.

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  11. that's very articulate of you, Debbie:)) I agree, happiness is relative & if we detach ourselves from the material/temporary things and look closer on things that really matter, we can't help but be humbled & grateful to our Creator:D keep posting! your posts are always a breathe of fresh air!

  12. Very well said Debbie!


  13. So, when I remember and focus on these things, I can't help but ...be joyful.
    amen amen amen

  14. Loved your "joy" list. We are so blessed!

  15. Hi dear sister, For all you've listed I too am thankful but add one more important thing and that is the fellowship that you and I share! Hugs to you!

  16. Great post.....Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. Leave a comment on one of my book giveaways if you ever see one you might like to read. I notice we like similar books: Heaven, Epicenter. We also like the same movies: Chariots of Fire is one of my all time favorites and I also liked The Holiday. Chris Tomlin is one of my favorites too. I have one of his songs on my play list. I have visited your blog before. My wife spoke very highly of you and so I dropped by for a visit. I'm glad you met Charlotte at the luncheon. I know you had a good time and thanks for asking me to attend the next one. I know it is a good thing but I think I might feel a little out of place. LOL

  17. Hi Debbie. I'm still admiring your beautiful new blog makeover. I love the things you are thankful for. Sometimes I just start thinking of all my blessings and start to cry happy tears as I am thanking my Lord for being so good to me.
    It's so fun seeing you on Facebook as well as here on your beautiful blog.
    I just passed an award on to you and the other ladies we had lunch with at Gooseberries.
    Love and Hugs,

  18. Oh...to see those loved ones in Heaven one day is something to really look forward to!

  19. Keeping the JOY of the Lord no matter what's happening...

    Blessings & Aloha!!

  20. This is the perspective we should always have. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  21. I like the way you said this. It is about perspective!

  22. You have such a beautiful blog and I love reading your personal thanks! I also I enjoy a good book, a vacation, getting my toes wet by the beach...

    I'm a bit late for Thankful Thursday (here is my entry)


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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