Heart Choices: Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Kris Allen -->

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Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Kris Allen

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday. You can link to other participating blogs by visiting Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

I'm a fan of the TV show American Idol. It's something my husband and I enjoy watching together. Everyone seemed to think that Adam Lambert would win, but no ...the winner was Kris Allen! He was described as the dark horse coming from behind.

I'm sure Adam will do well in the rock music industry.

But Kris is a different kind of musical talent and I'm thrilled to know that he's a Christian. Here he is singing "God of this City". What an opportunity for Kris to have a platform to share his special talent! He will need lots of prayer, friends.

Kris Allen Singing "God Of This City" from Rick Smith on Vimeo.

Debbie Petras
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  1. That is one of my favorite songs by Chris Tomlin but Kris sings it very well. It's nice to know that he's a Christian.
    Happy Saturday!

  2. I'm so thankful Kris won :)

    And Im so glad I got to start my Saturday off hearing him sing "God of This City". Totally awesome! Loved it! Thank you!

    Sweet Blessings,
    Kate :)

  3. I love American Idol but we don't have a chance to watch in tv here in Thailand.
    Anyway, thanks. It's my first time to visit here and join this kind of post. I love it.

  4. Hi dear friend, I so enjoyed Kris on Idol. Glad to hear you watch it with hubby too, we also watch Survivor.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  5. You, Amy and I had the same idea. I am happy he won.

  6. Great song with a inspiring message...thanks for sharing it today!

  7. It was a happy day in the Cooper home when they announced Kris' name. I love American Idol and am always sad when the season ends. But sort of happy to have my Tuesday and Wednesday nights back. :)

    I heard this song on our local radio station. They've been playing it ever since Thursday morning.

    I missed your contribution to Fitness Friday this week. Hope all is well with you.


  8. I enjoyed this video! It's fun to have a weekly show to watch together, isn't it? Hope you had a great weekend Debbie.

  9. We sing this song at our church and I love it.

    I'm glad Kris won. :o) I pray he will use this platform for God's glory.


  10. I loved this song and Kris sings it very well. I am enjoying all the posts when I get into my computer. Thank you for writting so faithfully.
    Anna May


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