Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Random -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Random

I'm glad this is Thankful Thursday. I think I need an attitude adjustment. Making the choice to focus on what I'm thankful for changes my perspective and my attitude.

So, thank you Lynn, of Spiritually Unequal Marriage for hosting this week's Thankful Thursday. You can link there to view other blog posts.

I'm thankful for the Internet! Helping my husband with his company has opened up a whole new world to me. I felt like a baby when I was first learning about blogging, social networks, twitter and all the other fun social media applications.

Spending most of my day in front of a computer can be difficult, especially when I'd rather be out having lunch with the girls. But I can always take a break and visit other blogs and find whatever I may need at that moment.

My bloggy friends have become such a source of comfort, encouragement, laughter and best of all ...friendship.

I can't wait until I can meet some of you in person.

I'm thankful for spring! Even though I live in Phoenix and we don't have a real winter, spring is a wonderful time to get outside and enjoy temperatures in the 70's.

It's a great time for hiking up the mountain behind my house. Hmm ... maybe I'll go for a hike after finishing this post?

I'm thankful for comments on Heart Choices! It can be a bit solitary writing almost every day. You don't always know if anyone reads the posts or has another opinion unless they add a comment. I really appreciate it when people share through their comments.

Gee, do you know something?

By making the choice to focus on being thankful ...my attitude has changed.

Isn't it interesting that the focus of Heart Choices is that "your day to day choices determine what your tomorrows will become"?

Will you choose to be thankful?

Debbie Petras
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  1. I, too, am always changed when I write my thankful list, Debbie. That's how joy is restored. Have a wonderful hike today and I have to tell you, that photo of the baby gave me a big smile!

  2. Did you end up going on that hike? How fun - and what a great workout!

    Have a great Thursday friend!

    Blessings to you,
    Kate :)

  3. Debbie,

    You are such a delight to me! I love your attitude and your spirit of humility. I have so enjoyed our friendship through blogland and hope to meet you in person one day.

    Blessings to you!

  4. Isn't Thankful Thursday just AWESOME...I have been joining in now for about a month and I SO look forward to it each and every Thursday. Thanks for joining in,and thank you for your kind comments..

  5. I enjoyed reading your list and some of your gratitudes are mine as well. Having a thankful heart is something that I have to be mindful of because it doesn't always come naturally to me.

  6. I like the idea of Thankful Thursday--my Tues/Wed at work are looooong days so I am sometimes just thankful it it Thursday (-;

  7. I forgot it's Thursday! So I'm thankful to your blog, Debbie, for reminding me. Some weeks, the days just go by so fast, I don't keep up well.

    Hope your day is going better now that you've shifted your attitude. It doesn't take much, does it?

    All my best,

  8. Did you take that photo of the flowers on the mountain? That is beautiful! Makes me want to go hiking again... it's been a while.

    ~ Kristi

  9. Hi, I came over from Life Blessings. I like the idea of learning some healthy tidbits. I have lost 40 pounds and kept it of for 2 years. well except for the 2 that have recently creeped back. I am renewing my drive to do things right. I will keep checking you site for ideas.

  10. it's always refreshing reading your thoughts, Ms. Debbie...
    I'm very thankful for the Internet too specially that I lived far from my family now. I mean, life is different now but I still want to always touch base with my roots (giving me a sense of direction:)
    ..yes, I always choose to be thankful everyday, maybe that's one reason that I survived:)

  11. Awesome list! Happy Thankful Thursday to you!

  12. Love your photos. I am thankful for you =)))

  13. Isn't that oh so true? Focus on our blessings and suddenly we're not feeling quite so down or quite so tired... Thank you for visiting my blog and for your post - a thankful, good reminder of just why we need to be thankful! Blessings.

  14. I love it when people comment too. It is nice to know that someone cares what you have to say. Ha.

    Amazing how our attitude changes when we count our blessings.

    I'm thankful for youuuuuuuuu!


  15. Hi Debbie,
    It is great to meet you too. I was in Az in March 2001 and love Sedona for 2 days. I spent 11 days total in AZ it rained so much they agreed I brought it with me from Mo. LOL It was 6 inches in 1 week. For Tempe that was too much. I loved my trip but can not live there I had allergy reactions at the botanical garden. I could feel the snow 2 hours away. But love to visit.

  16. It's a little hard for me to be thankful of today - I've been dreading it for a long time now. It's the day I have to take another plane flight. I don't mind going to London but the flight overshadows my excitement. I am sooo afraid of flying. But I have this thought that maybe if I can find something thankful in flying it will ease my fear. What do you reckon? I haven't found anything yet but maybe I will find something to be thankful for during my trip to London. Wish me luck!. ;)

  17. I enjoyed your list and was encouraged! Thank you! Hope you have a great weekend.

  18. having an attitude of thankfulness gives us a new perspective on a lot of things around us. i'm grateful to do TT every week because it makes me think of the things God is doing in my life that i should be thankful for. God bless!

  19. I enjoyed reading your blessings.

  20. Girl,

    I loved reading your TT post and your Friday fitness post. You are a dear friend of mine and I am sending you a big hug. I pray for you often.

    Have a great weekend. Hope you enjoy the fantastic weather. Hugs.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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