Heart Choices: Joy on This Thankful Thursday -->

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Joy on This Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday and when I checked Iris' Thankful Thursday blog post, I read that today's topic is "joy".

When I first began to participate in these weekly posts, I didn't realize there was a specific topic we were supposed to blog about. I guess I'm not very good at reading the directions.

When I think of joy, I think of smiling. But, when so much uncertainty is going on in life...I don't always feel like smiling.

Then I remember that joy is different from happiness. Happiness depends on circumstances in life. Joy comes from the inside. It doesn't depend on...

  • The politics of the Presidential election
  • What's happening in the financial markets
  • That your aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer

It comes from knowing who is really in charge...my God and my Lord. I browsed through my Bible's concordance to look up the word "joy" and I was amazed at the number of times it was listed. That is good news!

During my quiet time this morning, I read Psalm 28. Read what verse 7 says:

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."

Since my trust is in Him...I can have joy no matter what. So, I began to smile and to give thanks to Him in song. And no, I can't sing. But I sang "It is Well With My Soul". Did you know that Horatio Spafford wrote this song after the tragic death of four of his daughters? In the midst of heartache and pain...he had joy.

This blog is about Heart Choices and how our day to day choices determine what our tomorrows will become. We often spend so much time taking care of our bodies and minds...but often neglect our spirit.

On this Thankful Thursday, will you make the choice to thank God? And while you're at it, sing a song of praise.
Debbie Petras
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  1. I love the adorable picture of the smiling girl--and the question, "Have you smiled today?" Yep, I have--thanks to that cute photo! Appreciated the Scripture your shared too!

  2. Reading your post made me realize yes there is a topic every Thankful Thursday. I didn't realize that until now. Uh-oh. Anyway, I like your take on "joy". I, too, experience joy whenever I think of God's words. They serve as my refuge. :)

  3. Hi,

    Then I remember that joy is different from happiness. Amen... Amen... Amen.

    This is a timely and powerful post. I really enjoyed reading it. Hope you have a wonderful TT. Hugs, Lynn

  4. I loved reading this post and your last one about choices. Both very true and it only takes us laying it down so we can experience His joy, His peace and His love. We have to stop getting in His way of the gifts He already gave us. We have them - all we have to do is receive and believe!

    Thanks for following along our journey!

    I pray you will pick up the awards I am giving out. Faithful Servant for sowing seeds of love and True Friend Awards.

    IN HIS Amazing GRACE!

  5. Thanks for a wonderful post.

    I didn't realize our TT posts were supposed to be on certain topics, either! Next week, I'll do better!

  6. I love you words of wisdom. You are a great blogger and teacher. Now if only I could learn how to sutterfly, the Riddell family would be very happy

  7. Anonymous AKA Anna May: Thank you for commenting on my blog. And yes, we need a day to spend together and I will introduce you to Shutterfly. We need to get a Riddell recipe book going for your family. Love you.

  8. VERY BEAUTIFUL I MUST SAY......i have so much to be thankful for.....i just a my first beautiful grand daughter on saturday and she is so beautiful and precious............

    have a blessed day and i enjoyed reading your post

  9. Great post on joy! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  10. It's true, we can have such joy in the midst of all that is going on. It is so good to have the joy of our salvation and the promises of God. Thank-you for reminding me.

  11. I haven't read the directions either! Happy Thankful Thursday.

  12. The first song I learnt to play on the piano was Ode to Joy. I didn't understand why it was such an upbeat tune - simple but happy. But now, when I think of it, Beethoven must of had joy in his life to be inspired to make this music.

  13. l-jay: The picture towards the end of this post is of my mother playing the piano. She was an excellent pianist. It was taken in Norway (Oslo, I think) and the people singing along are Norwegian cousins.

  14. true, joy is from within and we can only have joy in our hearts when we put our trust in Him. God bless you, debbie.

  15. Hi...over here from Lysa's. Wonderful thoughts on choosing joy.


  16. making the choice to be thankful today... :-) lovely, lovely post



  17. Thanks for all the reminders! It got me thinking about all the many blessings in my life -- family, friends, health, living in the US. These things easily fill me with joy. But what about all the "other" stuff -- the disappointments, trials, personal shortcomings and failures? Will I face each of these with the joy of the Lord? Reminds me of the song" The joy of the Lord is my strength...." You said, "Since my trust is in Him...I can have joy no matter what." Hooray!!!

  18. A post full of feelings like you Debbie!

  19. I love your article on joy. While recovering from foot surgery, I have been reading "The Heavenly Man" by Brother Yun. Although he was brutally beaten, often went without food, spent much time away from his family and was in prison for telling the Chinese people about Christ, He was full of joy knowing he was in God's will and would someday be rewarded for the work he had done.



I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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