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Friday Tips: How to Avoid Overeating

The weekend is almost here and it's so easy to blow your decision to begin to follow a more healthy diet.

So, why am I showing you a picture of my favorite Mexican meal from El Bravo? Well, it's because I want to share something with you on this Friday.

Here are a few tips on how to avoid overeating:

              1. Spoil your appetite: I know your mother probably told you not to eat before your dinner but I say do it with the right foods. If you're going out to dinner, don't arrive starving. You may find yourself nibbling on the bread and butter before your meal arrives and you've already consumed more than enough extra calories. Eat an apple or other piece of fruit before you leave the house.

                Health Food Junk Food

              2. Drink plenty of water: Drinking water and eating water rich fruits like melons or oranges can give you a feeling of fullness and prevent you from eating when you may not really be hungry.
              3. Don't skip breakfast: I know you've heard it before and you may not be into this habit. Usually, the reason many people aren't hungry in the morning is because they overate the night before. Having breakfast keeps your blood sugar more stable and increases your energy level. Even if you simply have a small bowl of cereal or a piece of fruit, most studies find that if you skip breakfast you're more inclined to overeat throughout the day.
              4. Have healthy snacks in between meals: The key is to not get in a situation that you're so hungry, you eat anything is sight. Stock up on fruit, nuts (small quantities only), power bars and gazpacho. It's important to have it available and begin grazing within reason during the day so you never overeat at any one meal.
              5. Ask for a doggy bag at restaurants: My favorite Navajo Taco (pictured above) is so good. If I eat without thinking, it will be gone very quickly. So, I cut it in half and take the other half home with me. Then I get to enjoy it another day.
              6. Eat slowly: If you eat fast (like me), you will consume more calories. It takes a while for our brains to realize we are full. So, slow down and savor each bite and enjoy.

              Do you have any tips on ways to prevent overeating? What's worked for you? As we go into this weekend, let's not blow all the good work you may have done during the week. And have a healthy and fun weekend!

              Debbie Petras
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              1. Avoid 'All-You-Can-Eat' restaurants! This restaurant idea makes you overeat to 'get your money's worth'. (Usually the food quality is not as good as A la carte restaurants either.) When I was dating, All-You-Can-Eat restaurants were the 'in-thing'. I hated the morning after when I realised that I needed to do twice as much exercise for the week just to work off one night of eating. (Chinese buffets were my weakness.)

              2. So true and useful too, what are you saying Debbie!

              3. I find that if I exercise first thing in the morning like taking a long walk, I don't feel as hungry and don't feel like eating as much.

              4. Great tips. Especially about eating slowly, since your stomach doesn't send the signal to your brain that you are full if you are eating fast until you are well past the desert portion.

              5. I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?

              6. Nice site, nice and easy on the eyes and great content too.


              I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

              [name=DEBBIE PETRAS] [img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2CDrwq9-7eo/WV6tdbP-QgI/AAAAAAACfb0/ViqQSnSVaDsMLXyz3AEEzZ5-78luBHOGgCK4BGAYYCw/s1600/Debbie%2BFace%2Bblog.JPG] [description=]