Heart Choices: What Are You Searching For? -->

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What Are You Searching For?

When I saw the one-word writing prompt for Five Minute Friday, I knew I wanted to participate. I have five minutes to write a blog post and link up with other writers. So here goes...


It seems like I'm always searching for something. I call them the "Debbie goes down the rabbit hole" moments. I start out looking for an idea for my preschool class on Pinterest. Of course, there are so many fun things to check out while I'm there. I rationalize that I can categorize all the recipes I want to make one day, the clothes I'd love to purchase, and the crafts that are too cute. I know where to go back to so I can find them. That is if I really remember and go back. (Yeah, right)

So where was I? Oh yes, searching. I end up on Teachers Pay Teachers, which by the way is a great site to help with lesson planning. I start out looking for something specific but spend way too much time looking at the many cool ideas there. I look at my watch and realize I've spent an hour and I almost forgot what I was searching for. Does that ever happen to you? Am I alone here?

I come back to my search. I want to do my best, whether it's teaching preschool children, helping my family, or cooking a great meal. But I end up all over the place in my quest.

How thankful I am that I know where to go to be accepted just as I am and that I am loved. My search for perfection and acknowledgment are my fleshly desires. But God loves me. I can be myself as I sit down and do my quiet time first thing in the morning. He guides me through His Word. I share my concerns and then rest in Him, knowing that He hears. 


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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