How do you view your life? It can be easy to get caught up in the immediate details and issues of today. But do you ever stop and review how you ended up where you are in life?
Sitting on a balcony in a highrise hotel, I could see the cars below. They were scrambling for a parking space as there was a concert scheduled for that evening. I could see several spots available close-up, but the drivers didn't know that. So, instead, they were fighting for the ones in their line of vision.
At the time, I remember thinking that's how I act at times. I can see what's right in front of me but don't see a bigger picture. I fight for what I want, but maybe there's something better. But I can't see it at the time.
I was on a flight from Phoenix to Tampa. The plane was bouncing as there was turbulence from a storm. The pilot announced that passengers should stay in their seats with seatbelts on. Once he reached a higher altitude, it was smooth sailing (or should I say flying?).
I thought about how when I'm in the midst of a difficult time in my life. I admit that I become anxious as I try to figure out how to handle a situation. It's like I'm in the middle of the storm.
But God has a different perspective. After all, He knows the beginning and the end. He sees the big picture, above my storm. My job is to trust Him, even when I don't understand the details of what's going on. I put on my seat belt and pray.
I remember years ago when I struggled with infertility. I wanted to be a mother so badly. But despite surgeries and treatments, I was unable to get pregnant.
Fast forward to today. God certainly knows what He's doing.
I am a preschool teacher. I love children and get to work with them all day. But then I send them home to their parents, and this works perfectly for me.
God knew what was in my future. He knew the storms that lie ahead for me. And He knew what was best for me.
I'll take God's perspective any day over mine.
How about you? If you look back over your life, were there times when you wanted something so badly? You may have prayed, but it never happened. Can you see a different perspective on it now that time has passed?
Blessings and love,

Loved this Debbie. And I needed to hear this right now. We don’t always know what God’s thoughts and plans are on why we are are going through certain things. In fact, I rarely do. And I am learning that sometimes we NEVER do. But it’s always such a comfort to just trust Him! To know that He wants only our good. That He loves us no matter what. He’s in control. My peace comes from my faith in this. Just trust Him. Thanks for writing this!
ReplyDeleteOh Debbie, I'm so glad! I've missed our blogging community and I'm glad to be back. I look forward to visiting you and catching up on your blog.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful thoughts and beautifully written, Debbie, straight from your heart which I love! The parking lot scenario is a good visual for me. Please submit this devo for publishing. Many women can relate for sure.