Heart Choices: The Blessings of Spring Break -->

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The Blessings of Spring Break

An entire week of spring break was just what I needed. I'd been anticipating this time considering all I wanted to accomplish. I had a list of projects to do. I had compiled a list of people I wanted to see. But spring in Phoenix includes blooming flowers.

I love flowers. I love roses in my garden. But citrus in bloom is something else. I'm allergic. One year I actually woke up with hives all over my body. I had taken a long walk in an area where the orange trees were blooming abundantly.

And our condo is located smack dab in the middle of a citrus grove! Go figure.

Many of the items on my to-do list fell to the wayside. I took naps. I read. I took sinus and allergy medications.
Photo credit
I had to laugh when I saw Joy of Mom's photo and quote.

Maybe that's what I really needed.

However, I did  manage to visit with a few friends. I didn't get to see all on my list. I had a long conversation with one of my closest friends.

I sipped many glasses of my favorite iced tea.

I spent time reading. I highly recommend a book entitled Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where it's Not Safe to Believe by Tom Doyle. With all that I see on the news about the Middle East, I was encouraged to read how many people are coming to know Jesus. I was amazed at their courage to live out their faith even though their lives are in danger. Their families turn their backs on them. I found myself praying for these people more and more.

I cherished the extra time I had to spend during my early morning quiet time. It really is all about relationship.

So now I'm ready to return to work and my the Mini-Mustangs. I'll miss the extra time I had each day with my husband Greg. But I do feel more energized and rested.

So happy spring! Did you have time for a break? How do you spend your vacation time?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. So glad you had a nice spring break! That's really too bad that you are allergic to citrus blossoms! They smell so nice! But, I'm so glad you were able to keep it under control with allergy medicine. It sounds like you had an awesome week off! It's not spring break here, yet...but still, we enjoyed some wonderful weather on these first days of spring! Blessings, Joan

  2. Our Spring Breaks vary here. My little Princess had hers a couple of weeks ago and her Mom doesn't have hers until Easter week. The Princess goes to private school and her Mom teaches in public school so it makes it tough at Spring Break time. Hope your sinus issues are better and that you had a great start back with your little ones. Hugs to you!

  3. Debbie,

    I'm so sorry about the allergies that you go through. One of my family members has been like that their entire life even with medications and natural remedies. Albeit it has subsided for them in the last two years. I prayed for you.

    But even in this situation I'm so glad to see you rested and had time with God and Greg. Nothing better right? :)

    I'm going to look up that book. Sounds like a must read. My husband and I are strong advocates for persecuted Christians and the courage they have to live out their faith (actively not passively) to the glory of God and as a result to see lives comes to Jesus.

    Enjoy your time back to the little ones. I pray your strength in the Lord and a season of great blessings for your household and school.

    Love you much.

  4. I love that quote!! I can relate. My son's had spring break on different weeks. I am so sorry you felt bad, but glad you got to see some friends. Enjoy spring!


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