Heart Choices: Weigh-In Wednesday: Back in the Saddle Again -->

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Weigh-In Wednesday: Back in the Saddle Again

Let me ask you a question? Do you want to be in good shape? I think the universal response would be a resounding YES! And I'm included in that response.

For the last forty or so years I've been consistent in my exercise program. I used to teach post open heart patients about how to take better care of their health. I believe that if you teach something, you need to live it. I'd advise them to make a daily appointment for exercise. They wouldn't think of leaving their house without brushing their teeth. And I told them exercise was just as important for their health. So many times patients would follow advice after a major life threatening event. They realize how fortunate they are to be alive and want to do whatever it takes to keep it that way. But as time goes on ...it's so easy to go back to old habits.

My habit of exercise wavered when I went through tough times for several years. The stress ended up impacting my daily routine. I have to admit that chocolate candy kisses taste so good and I made too many Norwegian waffles. (A little bit is fine and I stand by that.) Food can be so easy to use in our attempts to satisfy those emotions. And then add to that returning to full time work in a different profession after being retired for 12 years. Well, who has time for exercise?

I learned an important lesson.

If I want to keep in shape ...daily exercise is a must!

  It's got to become a habit once again.

I began to schedule my time. I love to have my quiet time and do my writing in the early morning hours before work. I start work at 7:30 and get off about 4 so I figured I could come home and exercise. But as the weeks went on, I found more days when I would make a few stops on the way home  And then I was too tired to exercise.

So I went back to what worked best for me.

I have everything ready the night before; exercise clothes, water, headphones, Kindle, music. I roll out of bed and get on the treadmill. I also went back to recording my weight. I keep track of how much exercise I do. I use light weights every other day and I stretch every day after the treadmill. This works for me.  So why change it?

I recently read this saying by Lysa Terkerust. How often do emotions get in the way of doing what we intend to do? I try to bypass this by exercising first thing in the morning before my brain gets engaged. :)

I also want to mention something for those of us who are getting older.  Our bodies need less calories than when we were younger. So the calories we take in should come from healthy food.

Since this is Heart Month, maybe this is the perfect time to start establishing a new habit. So who is on board with me? It's not too late to get back in the saddle again. Let's keep each other accountable.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I can relate to that and you are right. Hope I can discipline myself as you do;)
    Have a nice day:)

  2. Hi, Debbie - Oh my goodness. The "E" word - easy to say, so hard to stick with. Glad you are taking good care of yourself. I just came back to blogging after a prolonged absence. Hope you are doing well. - Marsha


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