Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday: BLOOM -->

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Five Minute Friday: BLOOM

It's Five Minute Friday.  With a one word writing prompt, we're given five minutes to write our blog post. Our word for today is: BLOOM.


If I'd been given an advance vision of where I'd be in life right now, I think I would have run away. This isn't what I had in mind. I was quite happy to keep things the same. I was enjoying life, volunteering and spending time with family. I had plenty of time to read, cook and travel.

But life has a way of turning upside down. Four years ago, we moved from a 4,000 square foot home to a 760 square foot condo. I had to return to work full time. I was approaching the age when most of my friends were retiring and planning their cruises.

I now get up very early in the morning so I can have my quiet time, read and exercise. I go to work five days a week. I don't have much time for vacations and shopping.

But ...

I get to spend my days with little children. 

I can't help but smile as I write these words.

Debbie; the woman who always wanted children but couldn't have them.
Debbie; the one who gave up on that dream and told herself to get on with life.
Debbie; the woman who chooses joy instead of defeat.
Debbie; the woman who loves Jesus.

How thankful I am that God had a plan for my life. Am I blooming where I've been planted? I think I am. Each day gives testimony to that. I smile as I'm greeted with hugs by little ones. Words of "I love you" from the mouths of babes.

Yes, God is good.
And yes, I'm blooming where I've been planted.


I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday.

Five Minute Friday

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Blooming where we're planted is harder than it sounds. But it gets easier with every praise and thanks we offer. Abundant blessings to you. Keep blooming!

  2. You definitely are a beautiful bloom in every way, Debbie! I'm always encouraged by your attitude to find contentment in all situations.

  3. Debbie... my friend who IS blooming where she is planted!
    Debbie... friend to so many children who love her!
    Debbie... a real example to so many, me included, of one who is walking with her eyes on Jesus.
    Debbie... my 'other sister'!

    Love you my friend. :)

  4. You are most definitely blooming where God has planted you. Thankful you said yes to all that brings you joy!

  5. Oh, indeed you are and I'm sure it has been more of an adjustment that any of us could ever imagine. But, you are such a testimony of God's faithfulness during the uncertainties of our lives. Love you!

  6. Hi Debbie, You and I followed each other years ago and some how lost touch. (I'm Mildred in Georgia) My husband and I never had children but I was blessed to be pianist at church for many years for the youth choirs. The kids called me Miss Mildred and would shout out "Hit it, Miss Mildred!" referring to the keyboard, of course! Occasionally, all these years later, those kids - all grown up now - will say "Hit it Miss Mildred."
    So thankful that you spend your days with little ones and bless their lives with your love of the Lord.

  7. Yes, Debbie, you are blooming where you are planted. And, oh the rose that is unfolding........beautiful, fragrant. hl


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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