Heart Choices: The Gift of Love -->

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The Gift of Love

Image via: resolutewoman.tumblr.com
The focus of my week has been ...love.

I've been participating in an Advent study with the Good Morning Girls. What a blessing it has been!  With all the busyness of this Christmas season, I have kept my focus on the reason for the season and His name is ...JESUS.

Week one focused on HOPE.
Week two focused on LOVE.
Week three will focus on JOY.

But back to LOVE.

Jim Cymbala is the senior pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle.  I've had the opportunity to visit this amazing church several times when I went back to New York City.  My nieces and I took the subway to Brooklyn to attend.  I love the mix of races and the beautiful voices singing and praising God.  I can't help but think it is a foretaste of heaven.  But something that I love about Pastor Cymbala's messages are their simplicity.  He teaches directly from the Bible. He always provides practical examples of how to apply the Scriptures to our daily walk.

Photo Credit
Yesterday, I listened to one of Jim Cymbala's sermons online entitled "The Secret of Christmas".  Based on Matthew 2:1-12, he taught how the wise men offered gifts to Jesus.  His message went on the suggest that we can give three gifts to Jesus.

  1. The gift of your past: We can give Jesus our sins, our mess ups and leave it with Him.  We can't undo it but we can confess it and give it to Him.
  2. The gift of your future: We can give Him all of our decisions, where to go, how to live and offer ourselves completely to His direction. We don't know what will happen tomorrow.  But our security is in Jesus.
  3. The gift of your today: The only day you're sure of is today.  Offer Jesus your today.

I've been listening to one of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's Christmas CD's in my car.  Back and forth from work, I get to sing and worship.  It's a great way to start and end my day.  One of the songs that speaks on this topic of what we can offer Jesus is called "I'll Give Him My Heart".

What can I give Him
Poor as I am
If I were a shepherd,
I would bring Him a Lamb
If I were a wise man,
I'd sure do my part
So what can I give Him
I'll give Him my heart

I'll give Him my heart
Give Him my heart
What can I can give Him
But all of my heart
I'll give Him my heart
Give Him my heart
What can I give Him
But all of my heart

What can you give Him
What can you bring?
What can you offer
That's fit for a King
Bow before Jesus
That's where you can start
What can you give Him
Just Give Him your heart

Give Him your Heart
Give Him your Heart
What can you give Him
But all of your heart
Give Him your heart
Give Him your heart
What can you give Him
Just give Him your heart

Because of the love that He has shown to me, I make the choice to give Him my heart.  What about you?

What gift will you offer Jesus this Christmas season?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. What an angelic voice singing that song...I just got done playing "Offering" by Paul Baloche with my guitar for my devotion to Him. Same theme:offer our hearts to Him. What can we give to Him that He doesn't have or could not make? But He only wants the "desires of our hearts."

    I have heard about Cymbala from my oldest brother and heard great things about his messages.

    It's great that you focus on I'll say the many of our good Lord's attributes but always the greatest is His "love"... That was my prayer this morning...for Him to help us love unconditionally daily. For it's not easy especially if we're operating on our own strength. May His love and grace continue to guide you sister Debby and I also wish you a very Merry meaningful Christmas and a secure 2014 because of Him...The Rock! Love and hugs to you...

  2. So good! I really don't have anything else to give to Him but my heart. Blessings!

  3. GREAT post! I love that song! Enjoy your day Debbie!

  4. Dear Debby
    I think that is all that really belongs to us that we can give to Jesus, our heart and our lives. True love doesn't force someone else to love back. No He waits until we trust and love Him enough to come back to Him voluntarily.
    Blessings XX

  5. Hi Debby! And that is the music you said you really liked, I recognized the group. The song that you typed out the lyrics for is on the James Taylor CD that I had up on the Christmas Music post. I love it! So peaceful and heartfelt.

    Kind of like that pastor you like! Simple messages are always the best, don't you think? I am not very educated in theology, so a good practical application is always appreciated. I think it's only now that I am learning about giving God this day. Letting him work in me, and seeing his creation.

    Blessings for a Merry Christmas and a peaceful 2014!

  6. Hi Debbie, I've been on a hiatus but just caught up on your posts. I loved this one for so many reasons, but mainly for the reminder to appreciate the precious gift of TODAY.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Love and hugs, Susan

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