Heart Choices: God Knows My Name -->

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God Knows My Name

God knows my name.  And He knows your name too. I'd venture to say that most of us want to be known. We want to be loved and accepted.

But the messages we hear from childhood often create an image in our head about us. If you were teased or told you were fat or not pretty, this can stick with you all of your life.  The world seems to love youth and beauty.  If you don't fit that mold, the message can be interpreted as you don't fit in or are less than.

I am a part of a private Facebook group of women who are striving to live a healthy lifestyle. Some are working on losing weight.  Some are trying to eat healthy.  Some are trying to make exercise a lifelong habit.  Yesterday I read a few stories of women who were made fun of as a child, being the 'fat' girl at school. To this day, they still carry that label even though they are no longer 'fat'.

In our preschool class we try to teach the children that we are all made differently.  Some children are tall. Our skin colors are different. Some children are dark while others are light. Heidi and I always emphasize that it's OK to be different from one another. Of course, we always add that 'we're all friends'.  We watch for those who are sidelined and not included. Life can be challenging even at such a young age.

I applaud Dove for their beauty campaigns.  This video is only 3 minutes long and well worth taking the time to view.  If you can't view this video, try clicking here.

We need to appreciate our natural beauty, no matter what stage of life we're in. As I'm getting older, I tend to focus on the lines on my face that seem magnified in my mirror.  It takes so much more work to keep my weight down than it did when I was younger.  Then I glance at the vinyl lettering decal I place on my bathroom wall as a reminder before I head out the door to work.
I remember Psalm 139:13-14:

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

I am linking up with Kim of Just For Clicks Blog for Weigh-In Wednesday.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie, what wonderful words of wisdom. It's great that these kids are hearing words of affirmation about themselves now and hopefully they will remember them when they older and other voices creep in to say different...

  2. OH I LOVE THE VERSE you share here. And I love the decal you have. I put one up in my bathroom, "Everyday is a gift" to help set my tone for the day as well. I do believe I will be writing down that verse however to keep somewhere close. :)

  3. Great post my Friend! I see we were both inspired by yesterday's FB chat. That Dove video was shared at our church.... isn't that incredible? Thank you so much for your wisdom. And thank you for sharing and linking each week. HUGS....

  4. This reminded me of Matthew West's song... "Hello my Name is" ... I love the message of that song, and I love your words here Debbie. We need more of those Dove commercials, it's like a breath of fresh air.

    Keep smiling! :)

  5. I am crying...this was our conversation on Monday while doing a deep clean, my friend was telling about how women never see themselves as pretty! I had just told my husband I have soooooooooooo many wrinkles on my face...and I didn't want to wear my glasses to see them.
    Thanks...good post! I am so glad He knows my name ...thanks Lord for knowing me!

  6. This was soo good Deb, and soo true I am afraid. The way we see ourselves is frequently really not how others see us. Certainly our God for sure. It is soo hard to change a lifetime perception, but He can do it! We are daughters of the King of Kings! Enjoy your day Deb!

  7. For some of us, it takes a lifetime to figure out that our beauty come from the inside out, and not the other way around. Been there; done that! It doesn't help that T.V., Magazines & the internet would have us believe anyone that isn't 28, 110 pounds, & beautifully coiffed is inferior. I think that's why I so treasure God's economy, and the sentiment sung about in "Just As I Am".

    Great post. Love you, my friend.

  8. I love your decal! It is so true...a smile brightens up everything! Personally, I love that each one of us are different. Can you imagine if we all looked exactly the same? How boring would that be! Like you, I've found my weight more difficult to manage as I get older, and those wrinkles and pesky grey hairs are annoying, however, that is not who I am, you know? My goal is to keep improving my "insides" with better health and a better attitude. Great post, Debbie!

    Blessings, Joan

  9. I love that commercial:) And I love how you encourage these children. I was teased because I had buck teeth - and loved that I got braces - I felt liberated - and felt safe to be me:) However, I didn't feel comfortable with my personality until I read the spiritual gift books by Don and Katie Fortune - that's when I started liking who God made me - and understanding it!

    Beautiful post - inside and out!


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