Heart Choices: Weigh-In Wednesday: Don't Give Up -->

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Weigh-In Wednesday: Don't Give Up

Weight loss and fitness motivation
It's Weigh-In Wednesday and I was determined to post today.  I got a bit off track for about five days and I didn't exercise.  For me, it's got to be a daily appointment.  I'm trying to get back to making it a habit.

I don't want to get out of bed and ask myself if I'm in the mood to get on that treadmill.  I have a confession to make.

If I indulged my emotions, I'd never do it!  

I decided that for me to live a healthy lifestyle daily exercise is an integral part of that life. It's just something I do to get and stay healthy.

There are mornings when I have to cut it short.  I like to work out for 45 minutes.  But there are days when I barely get in 30.  That's OK.  It's the consistency that's important for me right now to get back in the habit.

So here's my routine:

  • I walk on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes.
  • I continue to use free weights every other day.
  • I stretch on a mat to become more flexible.
  • I do a series of sit ups and a few Pilate moves.
  • I'm working on trying to remember to drink lots of water.

I'm not an all or nothing person.  If I mess up, I simply recognize there will be those days.

For example, yesterday was the first day in our classroom of 3 year old preschoolers.  One of the teachers (thanks Dorothy) placed a cute little cupcake on each of our desks.  Now I've been avoiding sweets (which I love) because I realize the extra calories from the sugar aren't worth it.  But by the end of the day, guess what?  I ate my cupcake!

Tomorrow is another day.  

I've been making great salads and meals that are lower in calories.  I bring my lunch to work every day. I appreciate many of the recipes shared in our private Facebook accountability group.  By the way, accountability is a good word.  It keeps me on track. And writing a Weigh-In Wednesday helps too.  :)
Way better
I'm looking forward to the day when I can easily fit into my good clothes.  I've a huge box of clothes that I love but are a bit tight.  I can get the slacks on but can't get the zipper up comfortably.  So, I continue to work on losing those extra pounds I accumulated over the last few years.

I have to remember that my goal is a healthy lifestyle. I don't want what I eat to become such a huge focus in my life.  And exercising helps me with endurance so I can keep up with those little children I work with each day in our school.

What about you?  How are you doing?  Are you sticking with healthy eating and exercise?  Do you realize it's a healthy way of life and not a DIET?  Are you being reasonable about it?  Or are you one of those all or nothing people?

I'm linking up with Kim on her new blog Just for Clicks for Weigh-In Wednesday.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie, I am an all-or-nothing personality... and I have got to work on moderation. I was on a road trip recently and set the cruise control. I felt God showing me that I need more of that.... steady and sure. Other cars would speed past only to then slow down and I'd pass them.... yet my speed never changed bc of cruise control keeping me at the same pace. I need that in life. Not all or nothing. Moderation. That's what my focus is. Thanks for the great post Friend!!! You are an inspiration to keep moving forward. And btw... I think you should ENJOY THE CUPCAKE! :)

  2. doing good on the eating - but very inconsistent on the exercise lately - I will use my trip to CO in September to rebaseline the strategy and schedule - having a plan works for me - have a great day! :)

  3. "Consistency". Is the recipe for success in any area of life, and an ingredient I mistakenly leave out far too much when under-taking a challenge. Like bread without yeast, my good intentions never quite rise.

    I've established some fairly bad eating/exercise habits this past year. Thus I really appreciate this timely wake-up. There's just no magic formula quite as certain as consistent action.

  4. Ive just started to learn what eating good does for my body. This post was such an encouragement! Have a blessed weekend!

  5. Accountability is a good word. I get off track too but have to face each new day and hopefully, choose better.

  6. You're doing great with your health goals. Keep it up! Thanks for linking with Kim, so I could find her new blog!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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