Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday: Last -->

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Five Minute Friday: Last

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with The Gypsy Mama.  Each week we receive a one word writing prompt.  We get to write for five minutes flat. Our word for today is LAST.


Being first is the place to be.  After all, who wants to come in last?  Who wants to be the slowest?  It's all about winning, right?

  • Being at the top of the class
  • Winning the race
  • Being the boss
  • Having lots of money
  • Accumulating the latest possessions 
  • Being independent
This seems to be the way of the world.  

But in the Kingdom of God it's turned upside down.  

It takes faith to walk in the Spirit.  It requires trust in God.

When it seems like:

  • People have all they need and you're struggling  
  • Someone else gets promoted when you know you deserved it 
  • People get away with things
  • Others receive praise and you feel unappreciated
 I make the daily choice to submit to the Lord.  I allow Him to lead and guide me throughout my day.  At times, it seems hard. And many times I fail.  But I persevere in His strength.

"But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first."
Matthew 19:30


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. After having many struggles yesterday, this encouraged my soul. Thank you for your words. Visiting from five minute friday.

  2. I like you post Debbie. I needed to read this after the past few days. Thank you. I feel a bit better now.
    Patricia, Mojito and Me

  3. Dear Debbie
    Yes, the ways of the world are so different from the way our Pappa God does things.
    Blessings XX

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm not as christian as you are, Deb, but even so, when you say "I make the daily choice to submit to the Lord" I take it that this includes the "choice to submit to grace". Just like, say, while god may sometimes seem to disappear from people's lives, it doesn't mean the good will also disappear. After all, god only make sense if he/she (or it) also includes the good - at the very least.

    What I like in this blog is what I think is a choice that you make, faithfully. Some of us choose to live gracefully - others do not. Doing so is, no matter how we turn it, an act of "faith" in one way or another. We could live our lives apathetically - but we can choose to live it gracefully

    Thanks for this blog. I think I should read you more often;) This was beautiful.

  6. Hi Debbie! Yeah, it's that 'submit' word that takes some getting used to. I never want to be last, I even want to be first in spirituality, which is the opposite of the goal in spirituality, as you pointed out! Being a follower means automatically, you can't be first. You follow!

    Great thoughts here, Debbie!

  7. Amen...His ways are truly above ours and it is upside down from the world's ways.

  8. I've read several of these from this Friday's word and it is so interesting the different approach each of you have took with the word. And, like another reader said, it's so inspiring when you said, you make the daily choice to submit to the Lord. Blessings Debbie, I truly would love to meet you one day!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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