Heart Choices: My First Visit to The Simple Farm -->

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My First Visit to The Simple Farm

The Simple Farm is located in the middle of a beautiful neighborhood in Scottsdale, Arizona.  If you're not looking, you just might miss it. I had my eyes peeled for the small sign.  I was excited as I turned in to the dirt drive to park my car loaded with friends.  I wanted to visit the farm for several years now and ...I'd finally arrived.

Lylah and Michael Ledner made a decision to change their lives and become farmers. About three or four years ago, Lylah and I connected through our blogs.  Back and forth messages ensued and we discovered a unique connection.  Michael and I both grew up in Lindenhurst, a village on Long Island in New York.  He graduated one year ahead of me.  I remembered his brother Bob.  The brothers were members of a band that used to play at our high school dances.  Ah memories ...

The Simple Farm hosts a farmer's market every Thursday morning from 8:30-12.  Typically, I'm working during those hours so I've never had the opportunity to visit.  I've told many people about the farm, including Venous.  She's the mom to three of our students at school.  She's become so passionate about The Simple Farm's message that she volunteers every Thursday and is the official greeter.  Venous is the perfect ambassador for the farm.  With her beautiful smile, she has a way of making everyone feel welcome.

Venous even invited me to a special tea she hosted in honor of her mother at the Ritz Carlton last month.  Check out her aqua nails that I captured in this photo.  Venous arranged for Lylah and me to finally meet in person.  What a joy to wrap my arms around this gal, listen to her voice and see her lovely face.

But back to The Simple Farm.  This picture speaks to me.  A juxtaposition of a quiet retreat and yet the convenience of a car. How often I long to go back to a simpler time and way of living.  And yet I do love some modern conveniences.  :)

We began with a personal tour conducted by Michelle Spiller.  She explained how the vegetables and herbs were grown and cared for. We checked out the goats.  Their milk is used to create the most amazing caramels that melt in your mouth.  I know because I've eaten many of them.

Lylah was busy working but stopped to spend some time with our group.  She drew us around her under a shade tree and began to share.

 There's something so appealing about a passionate person.  Lylah shared her vision of community.  On a trip to France, she had an epiphany of sorts.  She was enjoying the more leisurely lifestyle.

  • Families preparing food together. 
  • Families sitting down to meals together.  
  • Families spending time sharing during the meals.  
How far we've deviated in America as we pursue a fast paced life of convenience.  We've lost that sense of truly listening to one another.

How often do your dinners consist of take out consumed in front of the television? Oh and did I forget the constant texting?    

Well our group had fun at The Simple Farm and we learned much.

Since I've so much more to share with you about our visit, I decided to do a part two.  I know how people don't like to read long blog posts after all.  So be sure to come back for Part 2.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. That's a very warm place.to be. Inviting...invigorating...

    With the.popping up of many organic foods, many owners.seem to have resources come.from local farms. And what a blessing they are to healthy-conscious individuals!!!

    I enjoy simpler.life. it is.us who often complicates what God.meant to be simple. We create our heavy baggages with what He had taken away! Oh I wish for us to always
    listen...God bless them and may their crops always prosper....Have a great weekend sister. God bless...

  2. What a wonderful looking place!!!

  3. what a fun field trip for us, thank you!
    i love anything that begins with 'simple.'

  4. good morning! Oh your right! this looks like a wonderful place to visit! I am all for ANYTHING simple these days! Enjoy your week-end!

  5. Oh, what a lovely place and yes, I'm pretty sure most all of us could use a simpler lifestyle. I saw a wooden sign in a decor shop the other day and all it said was "simplify." I almost bought it to display in our home. Can't wait for Part 2.


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