Heart Choices: Thankful for Children -->

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Thankful for Children

I'm so thankful for children.  I always dreamed of one day having my own but was unable.  However, I'm so blessed with a heart of love for children, even if they aren't my own.  

I'm reminded of the Scripture in Isaiah 54:1-2:
Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child' burst into song, shout for joy, you were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband, says the LORD.  Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.

 Our Kenzie will be celebrating her first birthday on Friday.  She is my brother's first grandchild.  I love this photo of Steve with Kenzie. It warms my heart to see how he enjoys spending time with her and getting down on her level.  She is fascinated by the bubbles.  Don't you just love to see a child experience something for the first time?  

How easy it is for us adults to live life going through the motions, not noticing simple things that can delight.  We can learn much from children.

This little tapper certainly had me smiling.  She was so cute as she performed her routine for our class.  

I had to chuckle as little Sawyer demonstrated his love for soccer. What a perfect outlet for him.  He's really good at kicking that ball.

Yesterday was twin day at our school.  I was taking a photo of the three year old twins and they began making faces at Miss Debbie.  Aren't they so cute?

There are days when I feel so tired working with these little ones. But then they will do something silly or cute or just downright special and ...I am re-energized again.

So I continue to count my every day blessings even though I'm a day late.

#788 Seeing my brother Steve with his first grandchild
#789 Loving each and every new photo of Kenzie
#790 Grateful for a job I never imagined I'd be doing
#791 Experiencing the love of many children
#792 Getting to see the excitement as children learn new things
#793 Seeing the world through the eyes of children
#794 Laughing each day
#795 Getting to silently pray for each one of them
#796 Watching the children interact with each other

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. A year old already? What a little doll she is! Happy birthday to her. You have such a sweet heart Debbie, I just know the kids all love you. Enjoy your day!

  2. This is a beautiful picture of love! There's just something about bubbles and grandpas.

  3. Kids are so much fun! My nephew is 7 and I absolutely love spending the afternoon with him. You're right - re-energized!

  4. Such a joyful photo and lovely post, Debbie. And I agree with Debbie's comment above, that every child in your care just loves you to pieces :)

  5. Dear Debbie,
    I'm so happy for you, God has so many ways of filling one's life to the brim to those wanting to serve him.
    The children so need love, and to them you are a gift and a light they might never have experienced if you were not there.
    God certainly needed you for this very special assignment.
    Some day, when we are allowed to look behind the veil and not through this glass darkly, we shall praise him even more.
    We sing, "Have thine own way, Lord", and guess what?
    I can see God blessing both you and the children. Never in the world were there more lack of love than now.
    So glad you are where God placed you, Debbie.

  6. what a joyous post and so full of truth...children...reminding us that the world is still going forward and we can all learn to laugh as they do


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