Heart Choices: Working on Getting Back in Shape -->

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Working on Getting Back in Shape

Have you set any goals for this year?  I have to ask.  How are you doing?  Have you made some steady progress or are you ready to give up?

One of my goals for 2013 was to get back in shape and live a more healthy lifestyle.

Last Saturday I went hiking with my neighbor Caroline.  We decided to tackle Squaw Peak which has been renamed Piestewa Peak.  It's a challenging climb but I remember how I used to be able to practically run up to the top and down.  It's a different story now!

I was equipped with my back pack filled with camera (of course) and my water bottle (much needed).  I had on my hiking boots and I was ready to climb.  It started off easy enough but as I continued I found myself getting so tired and winded.  Oh my, this could not be happening to me!

I came upon this bench and had to take a break.  I could feel my heart pounding fast.  I have to laugh because one of the thoughts that crossed my mind was 'Moses must have been in such great shape.  I can't imagine carrying those heavy stones with the 10 Commandments down a mountain.  And he had to have climbed up the mountain first; oh my.'

But as I paused to catch my breath and take a few photos, I realized how endurance is something that needs to be maintained.  If you don't use it, you lose it.  I thought of many patients who lost muscle mass when they were bedridden or disabled for a period of time.  Muscle needs to be rebuilt.  Aerobic capacity needs to be built up again too.  My internal dialogue was reassuring me that I could work at this; yes I could!

As I started back on my climb, I had to laugh at this shirt a young man was wearing.  He obliged me as I took a photo.  Yes, each one of us is like nothing you've ever seen before!  It reminded me that we come in all shapes and sizes.  God created us with different abilities.  But I am determined to take care of this body so I will have the energy and strength to be about what He has called me to do.  And I must add that working with three and four year old children all day requires much energy.

So I continued my climb.  I wish I could announce that I made it to the top that day but ...I didn't.

However, this hike helped me to gauge what still needed to be done to accomplish my goal of living a healthy lifestyle.

  • I will be back Piestewa Peak.  
  • I will be back many times.
  • I will not give up.
  • I will reach the top once again.  
  • I am determined!
So I ask you.  How are you doing?  Have you set goals and are you working towards reaching them?  Do you still have a ways to go?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. What a great way to get in shape! You are on a journey...and you will get there Deb. All the while you will enjoy God's creation and eventually reach the summit! I am so NOT in the best shape comparatively speaking to where I've been...but something is better than nothing. We press on and never quit.In His Grace, Dawn ;)

  2. I'm right there with you Debbie, moving forward into fitness and healthier choices. Progress is slower than I like, but still steady! :)

    I wish I could be there and hike that mountain with you... after all, that bench looks big enough to hold both of us!!


  3. Oh Deb I am soo impressed at your determination and what you are accomplishing! I am trying to eat much healthier and for me I am doing pretty good. I have cut all sugar out of my diet and greatly lowered my carbs. It was tough at first, but I am finding it easier. It took a good 6 weeks but all of my blood sugar readings are now well into the "normal" range. I do have more energy and just feel better. I have lost around 10 pounds since Jan. which is at least better than nothing. I soo wish I could be more active (in the day I too could have maybe gotten up that mountain ~ not running of course, haha, but at least up) but these knees keep me from it. I am hoping soon things settle with my mom and I will attempt to replace them. Keep going Deb, it is a great goal and you will do it I know! Enjoy your day!

  4. Way to go! I love your thoughts about Moses. Totally gave me a chuckle this morning. It is so true, when we don't use it, we lose it. One of my goals this year was also to live a healthier life and get into better physical shape. I joined an exercise challenge group on FB where we have to give daily accountability. It has really helped me to stay motivated and keep pushing ahead. I love your attitude! Look forward to watching you reach your goals this year! :)

  5. I love this, Debbie, it is so inspiring! Great goals, to be more healthy and to climb that mountain. And you will make it to the top of the mountain, I have no doubt!

  6. go going girl! Keep up the forward march/climb. I am doing good on my wieght and strength goals, daily scripture study. Working harder to get engaged more with those needing help - the persistence you demonstate is the perfect example for me to adopt on that front - peace and prayers

  7. go going girl! Keep up the forward march/climb. I am doing good on my wieght and strength goals, daily scripture study. Working harder to get engaged more with those needing help - the persistence you demonstate is the perfect example for me to adopt on that front - peace and prayers

  8. Thank you for amazing inspiration! Your words always bless my soul!

  9. I love how you said "endurance must be maintained". I missed my swimming last week and this week it was so much harder. It is the same with spiritual things. Miss your morning Quiet Time with Jesus and tomorrow it will be even easier. Miss Church on Sunday and next week another excuse will appear. Yes endurance must be maintained in all areas of our lives. Thanks Debbie this was very motivational.

  10. My goals are always at least one step ahead of me - by their nature, challenging! You've probably heard "Aim for a star and hit a mountain rather than aiming for a mud puddle and hitting it every time"? That's me. I've hit a mountain or two recently. Just not the "star" yet :)

    Congratulations on your climb. The effort put into health and fitness is never wasted, I think (unless it subtracts from our spiritual fitness.....)

  11. You need to hike with my friend Sandi! She lives in Phoenix near Scottsdale and she loves to hike!

    I'm recovering from a couple of foot injuries and hope to get back to normal soon. It doesn't take too many "off weeks" to get you out of shape and out of the habit!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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