Heart Choices: February Blessings -->

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February Blessings

February is my favorite month of the year.  It reminds me why I love to live in Phoenix, Arizona.  While most of the country is blanketed in snow and cold, we experience sun and warm temperatures.  (In August I sometimes wonder why I'm living here.)

I open the month with my February 1st birthday.  My dad's birthday is usually the last day of the month of February but since this is a leap year that won't be the case.  Sorry Dad!

Working with little children opens my eyes to the world in a totally different way.  I love it!  They follow your lead and example.  I want to be on my best  behavior.

We emphasize good manners every day.  A poster board is visible and when a child uses good manners, they receive a star on the board.  When they accumulate enough stars, they get a sticker.  I have to laugh as it's a really big deal to them.  The other children clap as they receive their sticker.  I usually take a photo of them and they are so proud.  It's a good motivational tool!

Each week, we move on to a new letter.  Evan is searching our poem for the letter "M".  We are actually all the way up to the letter "S" now. I can't believe how fast the school year is going.  I can't even think about saying goodbye.  :(

Kids say the cutest things.  I keep a jar handy and every time a child says something worth recording ...I write it down and put it in the jar. By the end of the school year, we'll have a list of some of these sayings.

Little Bella was being presented with a jump rope, t-shirt and water bottle for participating in the American Heart Association Jump for Health.

When the PE teacher handed the items to her, she said:

"I've been waiting for this my whole life".  

How cute is that?

I received so many blessings this month!

#360  Beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures in Phoenix
#361  A beautiful church service with my friends Anna May and Jack
#362  The best birthday celebration I ever experienced
#363  Celebrating Valentine's Day with a class full of 3 and 4 year old children
#364  Observing the children learn new sight words and begin to read
#365  A wonderful family get together of the Sumstad's
#366  Discovering common family traits
#367  Using Google Translate to help me communicate with Norwegian relatives
#368  The joy of being hugged each morning by the children
#369  Laughter
#370  Feeling loved
#371  Being reminded of God's grace
#372  Reading books on my Kindle Fire
#373  Watching movies on my Kindle Fire

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays when we count our every day blessings.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I think you are the first person I have ever heard say that February is their favorite month but then I don't live In your area of the country....I think it would be a wonderful place to be this time of year....Enjoy some of that sunshine and warm weather for me....

    When you post about the kids in your class, one can just feel the love come through the words. I always enjoy hearing you tell about things they have done and said...Children are such precious gifts....I think I am going to use you idea of the jar to record things my grandchildren say...That's a great idea....I record some of them in my journal but a jar would be fun..

    And as always, you encourage me with your gratitude list...I hope your week is full of blessings.....

  2. I miss the little ones, and seeing things through their eyes. Glad you had a wonderful birthday and (wow, February a favorite month? AZ must be amazing! :))

  3. Oh, love this and brought a smile to my face. I love the little girl saying, "I've been waiting for this all my life." Now, how cute is that? Wishing for you a March that is just as wonderful as your Feb. Hugs!

  4. I've never really thought of February as being a favorite month...but wow! The blessings you described make me sorry to see February end in a couple of days! I pray March is just as full of blessings for you, Debbie!

  5. AMEN!!! You have covered it all...what a great February, blessings

  6. It sounds to me like February was a good month and chock full of blessings. The little girls statement cracked me up because everything is so much bigger when you're little.
    Have a blessed day my friend.

  7. Happy upcoming birthday to your sweet dad! #362... that is wonderful Debbie!! Discovering common family traits... that is a fun gift! :)

  8. I've been contemplating getting a Kindle Fire, but just haven't taken the plunge yet.

    I love seeing your pictures and reading your words about the blessings you're getting from the children. If we could only see into their hearts, I'm sure we'd be seeing all the blessings that YOU are putting in them. Thank you, Lord, for disciples like Debbie!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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