Heart Choices: WFW ~ Where Are Your Feet Taking You? -->

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WFW ~ Where Are Your Feet Taking You?

Where are your feet taking you today?

Are you following your way or ...God's way?

I'm linking up with The Internet Cafe Devotions for Word-filled Wednesday.

And by the way, did you check out those cool boots?  Little feet of little children from my school.  :)

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I always strive to follow God's way but confess I sometimes wander off the path....

  2. I am clearly a work in progress. Praying daily to stay on the right road and out of messes.

    Blessings and prayers,

  3. Love the photo! These feet are taking me home ... it has been a looong day at the office and the girl is ready to "be home"....Happy Wednesday Evening!

  4. Love the picture.. I too follow Him, but at times fall off, thankful for His grace!

  5. Girl shoes! Sigh! My oldest son and wife are have a baby girl New Years Eve - so maybe I will get some in my house! WooHoo!

    I hope that everyday my feet and shoes take me closer to him!

    Sweet, girly-shoe reminder:)


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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