Heart Choices: Are You a F.A.T. Disciple? -->

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Are You a F.A.T. Disciple?

It's "In Other Words Tuesday" and I'm linking up with Karen at In Love W.I.T.H. Jesus.

Karen chose the quote for us to write about this week:

I love acronyms as they help me to remember.  And I can use all the help I can get ...

But F.A.T. disciples?

It makes sense though.


I believe I am faithful.  In fact, I think I'm pretty loyal.  For the past 15 years or so, I've grown in my walk of faith.  The more I study God's Word, the more I'm amazed by His love.  Why would He send His Son to die for me when I don't deserve it?

But He did and I'm so grateful for His grace and mercy.

And in response ...I'm faithful.


I want to be available.  I often pray that God would open the eyes of my heart to see what He has for me this day.  You see, I find that some of the interruptions in my day are actually Divine appointments.  But if I'm not available, I'd  miss them.  I have to admit I've probably missed many of His appointments but my desire is to be available.


I've always wanted to be a life long learner.  I remember my pastor talking about this and how important it is. None of us has arrived and there's always something new to learn.  In my walk of faith, I've got a life time to learn. I'm so thankful that God hasn't given up on me as some things take me a long time to learn.

I'm finding that TRUST is something that I learn all too slowly.  And it often takes trials and testing for me to have to depend on the Lord.  But through it all, I believe I am learning.  He is sovereign and in control of ALL things.

So I guess I must admit that I want to be a F.A.T. disciple.  I never thought I'd want to be a FAT anything but this I can strive for.

I also find that I do best teaching others things that I struggle with too.  I need to be accountable and that's a very good thing.

How about you?  Do you want to be a F.A.T. disciple?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I am a f.a.t. disciple and I pray to
    just keep getting fatter!! Good word.
    Lots to think about.

  2. Trust, trust, trust. I get all kinds of practice on that one too. Why is it so hard? Maybe being FAT will help.

    I'm there with you, Debbie, learning to trust day by day.

  3. If trusting God were easy He wouldn't remind of us so often in His word. He knows we struggle daily with it - that is why we must daily LUKE 9:23-25 and Romans 12:1-2

    F.A.T. and getting F.A.T.T.E.R. by the day!

    Love you

  4. I love how this is one incident where we want to be FAT and strive to get FATTER by the day. That shows a tremendous love for the Lord wanting to be more and more faithful, available, and teachable for Him. Praise the Lord! That is one spare tire I want to carry around with me. A person should only have so many chins on their face but we can never have too much of Christ.

  5. I just loved this! Getting FAT and praising Jesus about it! The available thing was a struggle, but I'm learning and growing!!
    Great post!

  6. I started to write on this, too. I'm so glad to read yours. I love it! Yup, I'm fat! The spiritual fat is pushing its way out on the physical! But praying to be fatter! Great post, Debbie!

  7. Debbie; what a great post! :) I can't tell you how many times I have fought that word(!) however I now have a new respect for it. :)

    I can certainly relate to "I also find that I do best teaching others things that I struggle with too.  I need to be accountable and that's a very good thing." True foe me too; I have learned many times to practice what I teach!

    F.A.T. ....my new favorite word...:)


  8. Yep...I want to be F.A.T. with a healthy heart! Great acronym Debbie!

  9. The only reason I'd ever want to be FAT is for Jesus. Cool acronym.

  10. Fat is beautiful, right? I love this analogy .. very practical!

  11. well after losing 48 lbs this year .. fat is hard to accept LOL, but yes, F.A.T. I'd like that.. I'm motivated by your post Debbie! thankyou!

  12. Dear Debbie
    As the days turn into weeks, months, and years... I think it is fair to say that BY GOD'S GRACE I am a f.a.t. disciple. But as Sandy said in her comment, I also want to be getting fatter as I journey on!

    Thanks for this very good post.


  13. I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I hope you will join us next week on my blog :).

    Have a blessed Labor Day weekend!

  14. Finally a good definition for FAT - in fact, something to strive for. Really liked it.

  15. You have given me a new perspective on a disagreeable word! It would be a great joy to be told I was F.A.T. in your sense of the word. Love the post! :)
    Pam at www.2encourage.blogspot.com


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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