Heart Choices: Word Filled Wednesday ~ Teach Your Children -->

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Word Filled Wednesday ~ Teach Your Children

I'm linking up with Internet Cafe for another Word Filled Wednesday.

Since I've been working with children, I realize what sponges they can be.  They listen to everything you say and watch everything you do. 

What a responsibility! 

God's Word teaches us how we are to teach our children.

So, teach your children well!

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. What a beautiful blog! Stopping by from WFW - love this! Training our children is such a huge responsibility we have. Thank you for posting. Have a wonderfully blessed WFW!

  2. I agree. I love the photo of the kids' shoes!

  3. Great post, Debbie. It's true these little ears here a lot and absorb.

    Have a blessed WFW!


  4. Debbie - Yep - little sponges is just what they are. It really pays to pay attention to what they come into contact with doesn't it - since they ARE goiing to soak it right in.

    They seems to really be soaking in your love and attention! :)
    God bless you - Marsha

  5. So true, their little minds are sponges. This verse is a great reminder to me to be dilligent in what I teach Caleb.

    Hugs to you!

  6. I love my little sponges too!!! Thank you for caring to teach them.
    God bless you.

  7. Thank you... yes, so true... I think mine are calling right now :) Blessings!

  8. So true. I love kids so much.
    I remember a song from the
    late 60's or early 70's by
    Crosby, Stills and Nash called
    Teach Your Children. I was
    reminded of it in reading this.

  9. I know God will bless you for planting good seed in rich soil!

  10. Hi Debbie,

    Well, my Sponge (son) is all grown-up, but I'm praying that all of those years he was soaking-up Gods Word will cleanse his heart.

    Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. ~ Psalm 51:10

    God bless you,

  11. I'm so grateful for parents who taught us well - everything from love of the Lord, to appreciation for His creation; from manners to work ethic; from faithfulness to integrity.

    I pray I've done half that job with my own. And then I pray they'll do likewise with theirs.


  12. Yes, Debbie it's very important teaching the children and especially leading them by our example... Have a wonderful weekend full of joy. Philip

  13. Debbie,
    I recall as a young child being indfluenced by the words and actions of my own sweet parents. As a result, I was able to pass my faith and values on to my children and grandchildren.

    Our children are the only assurance we have that what we believe will be carried into the next generation. I am so grateful for the privilege of passing my faith along.

    Thank you for this lovely post and the blessing you always are to me.

    In Grace,


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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