Heart Choices: Prayer Changes Perspective -->

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Prayer Changes Perspective

Today I am hosting “In Other Words Tuesday”. I chose the following quote for us to write about:
“Prayer invites us to rest in the fact that God is in control, and the world’s problems are ultimately God’s, not ours. If I spend enough time with God, I will inevitably begin to look at the world from the point of view that more resembles God’s own. What is faith, after all but believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”    From Philip Yancey: "Prayer: Does it Make Any Difference?" 
How does prayer impact your life?

Who is in control of your world? Is it you? Or …is it God?

There are times when I become so frustrated when:
  • I see and hear all the things going on in our world today.
  • People don’t respond in the manner I’d hoped.
  • Friends disappoint us.
  • There seems to be a general lack of respect.
  • People don’t tell the truth.
  • Others don’t seem to understand what you’re going through.
  • Everyone seems to be so busy.
  • World leaders have different values than you.
We all experience disappointments. Do you take your disappointments to God? Do you really share all that’s on your heart with Him? Or do you call a friend and begin to complain about how so and so mistreated you?

As I spend time in prayer, I realize that God is ultimately in control. Nothing takes Him by surprise. I don’t need to spend time wringing my hands and worrying. I don’t need to be pointing fingers at others. I don’t need to fret because life can seem so unfair.

God sees all. God knows all. And best of all, God can see right into each one of our hearts.

God not only sees the outward actions and behavior but He sees and knows …our true motives.

According to today’s quote by Philip Yancey, faith is …'believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse’.

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) says:

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

If I truly believe that God is in control, by faith I can rest in Him.

As I learn to trust in His perfect timing, my perspective begins to change. I realize I may not be seeing the big picture.

So what do I do? I share my heart and then lay my requests at His feet. I go about my day and I continue to …abide in Him.

When someone is rude to me, I’m reminded that I don’t know everything that person may be going through. I need to trust that God sees and knows how I feel but there are bigger issues at hand right now. So I forgive that person.

When others don’t honor God in the way I believe they should, I realize that God sees and knows. I continue to live out my life in a way that honors God.

Hebrews 11:23 (NIV) says:

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.”

How about you? Who is in control of your life? Does prayer change your perspective?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Prayer changes everything.

    This morning as I was praying with the children before bible study I literally felt the love of God all over me and around me. I felt a deep peace like I have not in a long time. Despite our circumstances and the seriousness of situations we are praying over - there was peace and joy! The kids were so calm after I prayed too - they felt it with me. It was a huge blessing to us and we know not only did God hear our prayers He will answer them perfectly!

    Love you!

  2. Prayer is my life line. My breath. My instant connection to my Abba who delights to hear my voice and my way to clearly hear His. I am learning to embrace it, and make it a constant conversation during my day.

    And you friend, truly are a but Debbie.

    Be blessed bunches,

  3. Debbie,
    Thank you for an excellent post. Yes, prayer changes things, and sometimes it is the only thing that can. Thank goodness, God is in control, or I am pretty sure that I would be completely "out of control" with anxiety and the need to try to fix things. God bless you - Marsha Young

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your heart again and for choosing this quote. It's "poked" me . . . I've thought of it a lot with a situation we are in. God's using you AGAIN! :)

  5. Dear Debbie,
    Prayers changes, prayers brings peace in a stormy heart and prayer is my spiritual breathing.
    M brother just said to me the other day, "You are giving God detail instructions".I am not. I am following the Scripture and the Promises from Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  6. Prayers make us aware of our limited abilities. To call for help that needs divine intervention. Working in the prison brought me even closer to Him as I learned to talk more to Him through prayers. And despite not being able to see, He makes it known that He hears me [us] everytime. He shows me faith markers in this journey, time to time. Great post sister Debbie and it will be awesome to read others' perspectives about faith and prayers. Have a wonderful week. Thank you for this.

  7. Prayer aligns my thoughts with His and gives me His perspective. Priceless. Thanks for hosting, Debbie.

  8. It is so easy to get overwhelm by the world, by life, by holidays, but what a great reminder to just give it to our Father. Prayer is a reminder to speak to Him, to allow Him to speak to us, to listen and to be comforted!

  9. Such a good post, Debbie...prayer really does change our perspective and it is easy to see when things are out of whack when our perspective begins to be more wordly than Godly. Thanks so much for hosting and for this quote today...I needed to ponder and write on it this morning!

  10. That was excellently said. Thanks so much for hosting today.

  11. I have so enjoyed this post Debbie, and the comments so far. Prayer is so dear to my heart and necessary to my life. It is the lifeline to our Father, and has become a running conversation through my days and nights. The source of strength to live this life... You KNOW this is a subject I was taught by example, which makes all of prayer more meaningful and real to me. When you see it lived it becomes a natural part of growing into it in your own life. And in the process, our own roots go down deeper in our faith, and prayer has increased my own faith in the God who has made it possible to come to Him with EVERYTHING!!

    Loved this Debbie!

  12. What a heartfelt post Debbie. Love that our perspective does begin to change when we trust His perfect timing. Wow! not always easy and rarely do we see the big picture.

    Thanks for inspiring my soul!

  13. Sometimes the situation seems so overwhelming, but when we are faithful to go to Him, He is faithful to take the burden and show us how to get through it; sometimes He just takes it. God is so good.

  14. Great words of wisdom here! I think you've hit on a key point here, namely, so much of our disappointment can be traced back to our expectations. Thank you so much for selecting this quote on prayer.

  15. Hey sweet friend~ I totally agree that prayer changes EVERYTHING! Great post!

    It's so good to have the chance to catch up on your blog. Love you much and continue to pray for you often.


  16. I'm a day late, but I couldn't skip writing on this amazing quote. Prayer has been my only lifeline this year--I'm learning that it is the only one I need. Thanks for hosting us.

  17. Debbie,

    I cannot find the words to tell you how blessed I am each time I read your blog. How wonderfully refreshed I become in my spirit and how much more able I am to face what is in my path. thank you so much for your faithful writing and your emphasis on God's will and plan for our lives.

    I look forward to your next post.

    In Grace,

  18. "As I learn to trust in His perfect timing, my perspective begins to change. I realize I may not be seeing the big picture."

    Totally agree!!! I've missed you as I've been away from reading regularly while we don't have internet at our house for now.

    Have a great evening!
    God bless,

  19. Here is Carol Van Der Woude's sharing on this quote too:



I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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