Heart Choices: TSMSS ~ What a Beautiful Name -->

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TSMSS ~ What a Beautiful Name

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday and I'm linking up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

The past few days have been full. 

I had the pleasure of spending a short time with my blogging friend Kathleen of Sassy Granny.  She recently moved back to Seattle to be closer to her kids and grandkids.  But she and Terry came back to the Phoenix area to visit friends and relatives.  I was honored that she took the time to go to the Rio Vista Recreation area so we could sit and chat.

Notice the "Do not feed the ducks" sign.  I think everyone ignores that as they kept pestering us the whole time and even grabbing my finger.  But Kathleen and I still had a great visit!

Then I was off to do my first garage sale.  My good friends Jack and Anna May have the perfect home location; on a visible corner.  They were kind enough to allow me to haul my stuff to their driveway.

I thought this was all I had to do and they would come.  LOL.  But no, I didn't spend the whole time in the hammock.

I had much help from my friends.  Unfortunately, John and Helen still couldn't sell that Christmas tree.  But Helen knows so much about garage sales and pricing.  Thank you Helen and John!

Thanks Anna May and Jack!

And finally, here's my song for this week.  I woke up with this song in my head today.  However, it had been playing yesterday at my friend's house so it must have stuck with me.  It's a good one and I hope you enjoy it too.

Happy Saturday to you!

Blessings and love,
Debbie Petras
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  1. What a beautiful song!

    What a beautiful time and friendship you have!

    Love you and can't wait to meet you in person!!!

  2. How fun to meet up with friends and have a chance to visit. Cute pic of you in the hammock. Hope your sale was a huge success. Hugs, Marty

  3. That hammock is very inviting!

    Beautiful song. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderful weekend, my bloggy friend!

  4. You look adorable posing in the hammock. Good to be busy and share life with friends.

  5. Hi Debbie, Loved seeing you in the hammock and of course your friends at the garage sale. I pray the Lord surprises you with blessings galore and more importantly His grace.
    Have a Son-filled weekend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. "Grace that blows all fear away
    Jesus, what a beautiful name"

    This is a new song to me.
    Hope you have a great weekend, Debbie!

  7. debbie, this song is so beautiful. this may sound weird but while listening to this song, i was reminded of my husband. i miss him. the music sounded like that of a secular band's music my husband and i both like. i really miss my husband. i know in God's perfect time, everything will be all right.

    thank you for sharing this.

  8. Beautiful song.
    Wish ya was closer I would have bought the christmas tree. :)
    Have a blessed weekend!!!

  9. The hammock looks really comfy.

    Oh, I love this song.
    My first time hearing it.
    The video is just awesome.

  10. What fun pictures! You & Kathleen spending time together is ALWAYS a good thing! I thought about you and wished I could just sneak in and say 'hi'...

    Hope you 'cleaned up' at the garage sale! :)

    Great song to head into this weekend.

    Love you!

  11. What a beautiful name, indeed! I so enjoy visiting TSMSS participants to hear songs that uplift and encourage. Thank you so much for introducing me to TSMSS. Have a fabulous weekend. Blessings, SusanD

  12. Never heard this one before but I like it. Jesus, what a beautiful name and how awesome He is!

  13. I love that song, though I've never heard that version/artist.

    I'm glad you got to spend time with friends and have fun!

    Love & hugs!

  14. Beautiful music...what a perfect song to be "stuck" in your head :o)

    Again, how wonderful to spend time with another blogger friend! And it looks like a lot of great finds to be found at the yard sale. Our son would love to have bought your hammock! haha (He truly lights up when he sees a hammock!)

    Hope all of you had successful sales :o) The weather looks like it was gorgeous.

    Blessings & aloha, dear friend!

  15. Hi my friend, you and Kathleen are so precious to me! Would have loved to have been there chatting with you.

    Love the photos...you look busy at work getting things done in that lounger (smile).

    I love you!

  16. A good way to spend a day; a little Sas, and a little sale and a little rest in between. Wish I could have spent it with you...


  17. Just discovered your blog! Looks like you had a great garage sale!!

    God's blessings

  18. This is a great song, especially
    by Hillsong. I've loved it for
    a long time. You look adorable
    in the hammock. Hope you did
    well with your sale. It's so
    wonderful to be blessed with
    good caring friends.
    Love & Prayers,

  19. It looks like you had a great and splendid day!!! I love the pics. Blessings to you!!!

  20. I would've stayed in that hammock for a pretty long time, lol. Nice pictures =)

    We sing this in church quite often =) I love this version better, though! Awesome song =)

    I hope you have a blessed weekend!

  21. That was such a gorgeous video and song, Debbie. I hope you had a good yard sale. Love you ~

  22. It was so much fun to spend Friday with you at the garage sale. We did have Christian music playing in the background and some people expressed appreation. And as in Debbie fashion, she used the time to share the love of Jesus. She reminded all of us that we should greet each potential buyer with a cheerful "hello." And she was right! It was a fun day. Wish all of you could have come and shopped our "treasures." We would have cleaned up! LOL

  23. Hi Debbie, I'm trying to visit a new blog every day before the end of the year, and today you're my new visit :) Came over from Elaine's Peace for the Journey. Guess what? I have a sister named Debbie, and she is from the Phoenix area, too. Small world, huh? Blessings to you this week!

  24. just like to say that i can't get this song out of my head. i love it already! beautiful song.

  25. What a lovely gesture of your friend Kathleen to make some time to hang out with you. I am sure you had a great time visiting:)

    Hope the garage sale was a success!


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