Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesday ~ Withdraw or Draw Closer to God -->

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In Other Words Tuesday ~ Withdraw or Draw Closer to God

It's In Other Words Tuesday and I'm linking up with Kathryn of Expectant Hearts

Kathryn chose the following quote for us to write about today:

As I was reading this quote, I found myself nodding to the first two statements: 

  • Yes, the fire continues to give warmth but I have the choice to stay close and feel the warmth or step back and become cold.
  • Yes, the light continues to shine bright but I have the choice to stay in the light or to withdraw into the darkness. 
But withdrawing from God?

It's hard for me to imagine withdrawing from God.  As I grow in my relationship with God, I learn that He loves me, He's set me free from the penalty of sin and He provides me with His peace.

Now how could I withdraw from God? 

His love is my motivation for living and loving and forgiving and sharing with others.

These may be hard times.  Life doesn't always go the way we plan.  But I've come to the place where I'm learning that there is a plan and a purpose and I may not always get to understand it all.  This is when trust comes in. 

When the check that was supposed to arrive in the mail and it doesn't  ...I draw closer to God.

When I don't know what tomorrow will bring ...I draw closer to God.

When I'm hurting inside and tired ...I draw closer to God.

So instead of withdrawing from God ...I draw closer.

I want to abide in Him.  It's the best place to be, not running away, but drawing close and clinging to the vine.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I couldn't agree more, Debbie... I run to my knees (not fall but run!) when the world seems to get a bit too big for me.
    But unfortunately so many people decide to walk out of His light and into the darkness... these are souls who can still find that glorious "peace of God" if they only turn around...
    Beautiful thought provoking post... thanks so much!

  2. Hmmmm. . . I guess right now, I feel that I have withdrawn. I keep trying to turn it around, but keep moving further and further. I know that I would have said the same thing, that I would never withdraw. Yet, here I am. And yes, I am growing cold, and it is getting darker.

    Love your words of wisdom.


  3. You know, there was a time not that long ago when I would have said the same thing.. and yet, I find myself withrdawn.. Gladly, God is there, shining, warming, waiting.. We're blessed in so many ways, aren't we?

    (Thank you for your recent comments and email!)

    I"m up now so you can link up in the am (please!)

  4. Wow, what an awesome quote for her to share today! Such truth!

    I completely agree with you Debbie. There is no other option in my opinion.

    Love you,

  5. Amen and amen! I chose to
    draw as close as possible in
    good times and bad. As Beth
    said, there really is no
    option. He is so worthy of
    all our love and praise
    regardless of circumstances!

  6. Very awesome. We need to always run to God. I know that's what Jesus did. When He got tired He went away to pray to the Father. And where did He go when He knew His time was at hand, but to the Father to pray in the Garden! Thank you for this timely reminder.

  7. My son is reading on the life of Augustine!

    I too draw closer and closer! I can't comprehend pulling away, because He is has been so important in my life. I can say there are times that I don't invest the time I need to....but He waits for me and I feel the distance and run in closer.

    Thanks...have a blessed day!!

  8. Debbie, awesome post. Yes, I can't imagine withdrawing from Him when He is my source of help, hope and everything else! But this takes time I think, there have been times I have run the other way to my own peril! Lori

  9. For sure things never seem to go as planned. We need God. We need to make that choice to draw near to Him not further away. Thanks for sharing today it was good as always!

  10. I love your heart for God, Debbie.

    After living as long as I have, I don't think there are any easy answers to figuring out why some people withdraw from God. Some withdraw when things go bad, becoming bitter and cynical--some withdraw when things are going grand and they are deceived by the riches of the world as Jesus speaks about in the parable of the sower--

    I hope and pray that I always run to Him in good and bad times--really, apart from Him there are no good times to me--

    I haven't "arrived" at this level but Madame Jeanne Guyon who was imprisoned for her faith says that when we become so consumed with Him, we hardly notice the difference between good and bad--Wow! now that is something to aspire to.

    Thanks, Debbie, I always enjoy your posts. I am trying to discipline myself and not comment as much as I was for awhile--trying to take to heart Ann Voskamp's writings about blogging.

    Loving you,

  11. Hi Debbie, I'm right there with you running to Him...life has given us both unexpected things to go through but He is there for us.
    Thank you for sharing this today!
    Hugs, Noreen

  12. I'm learning to make that my first response but to be honest, sometimes when things get tough I find myself withdrawing for a pity party first. But I'm learning.

    p.s. I'm having another cookbook giveaway at my blog if you're interested!

  13. I want the very same thing, Debbie. I want to run to Him, not away from Him. Blessings to you!

  14. I have never withdrawn from God, but neither have I always ran to him as quickly as I should have. Thanks for such an inspiring post. I am so grateful to serve a God that is always there waiting on me.

    Blessings to you!

  15. Thank you for the reminder to draw near. Beautiful post.

  16. This makes me think of a story about shepherds, and shepherding I heard long ago.

    Because of his great love of the sheep & lambs, the shepherd sometimes breaks the leg of one who is inclined to wander. He then places the wounded one on his shoulders, taking it back to the fold where he nurtures it with utmost care & love.

    The result is that the sheep will never, never leave the shepherd's side again; not because they've been punished, but because they've been loved.

    Like you, when the cold or the darkness threatens, I cling ever more tightly to the One and Only place of light and warmth.

    Great post!


  17. I am joining in a little late . . . too much BUSYNESS here! :) But I've been encouraged reading everyone's thoughts on this quote. Yes, we do draw closer, esp. when the cold and dark hits. I just wish I'd remember this when things are going "real good". :)

    Hope this finds you well! Love & Blessings!

  18. This is so uplifting. Thank you!

  19. Love the quotes and following you now...more of it..it made my day!

  20. Debbie, I am so glad that you are still drawing close to Him, even in the middle of difficult challenges. Have you seen Warren Baldwin's post on man's plans versus God's plans? He uses a great line - If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it. I believe that! God bless you ...Marsha Y.

  21. So much truth! Drawing closer is a daily choice. May we all continue to draw closer to Him even when life doesn't make sense. Jesus ministers to us in that uncertainty because it is then that we are weak and He is our strength. He is faithful and with eyes to see, we can see His faithfulness in the midst of it all. Everything that touches our lives first passes before His throne and He approves.

    Thank you, Debbie for this post and all the reminders.

  22. Debbie,
    How your post today touched my heart. I don't think I have moved away from God, but may not have continued in the drawing closer. What a wonderful reminder of how easily we can drift from His loving side.

    Please pray for me today. I need your prayers.

    In Grace,

  23. Thanks for sharing and for reminding me to draw close to Him at all times. I often find myself playing a sort of tug-of-war with God at times. going between drawing close and pulling away when I am hurting.

    God Bless you,


  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. All I'd like to say is YES i couldn't agree more DRAW CLOSE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOONT WITHDRAW

  26. This is really a great read for me. Thank you for publishing articles having a great insight stimulates me to check more often for new write ups. Keep posting!


  27. Nice post.Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very informative! So happy to be given a privilege to post a comment here.



  28. This is an article well worth learning, there is much to learn from, each of us should write more articles to their own information available to everyone to know that we can learn from each other, with the progress.


  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Encouraging words, thanks. God bless.


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