Heart Choices: Word Filled Wednesday ~ Lord -->

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Word Filled Wednesday ~ Lord

It's Word-Filled Wednesday and Lori of All You Have to Give is our host today.

Spring is in the air!  As I enjoy the beautiful weather we're experiencing in Phoenix, I love to sit on the back patio.  I want to take advantage of this time before it gets too hot. 

We had more rain this year so everything is in bloom.  The fruit trees have many oranges and grapefruit and since I fertilized the rose bush it's loaded with buds and many red roses in bloom.  The rabbits, birds, quail and coyotes come to visit as they seek food.  I love to see them run freely.

It reminds me of how I can run freely because of God's grace.  Jesus covers me with His righteousness.

This morning I read Wednesday's chapter on God as Adonay from Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God".  I just loved what she wrote and wanted to include it here:
If we want to find the one key to everything good in life, we will need to approach the problem counterintuitively. Instead of operating by instinct, we will operate by faith.  Instead of striving to do what we want when we want, we will strive to do what God wants when he wants.  As we do, we will begin to understand that his lordship will not diminish or impoverish us but that it will bless us in surprising ways. Astonished by all the good he does in and through us, we will be able to echo the psalmist's praise: "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

I would rather operate under the Lordship of Christ than in my own power. 

How about you?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. AMEN!! I am continually amazed by HIS grace!!
    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

  2. Wasn't today's reading wonderful! I loved it!

  3. That is such a great truth to abide in. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. So would I, Debbie!Anytime I try to live under my own power I make such a mess of things!

    Your season is a little ahead of ours. Here, trees are just beginning to show some green. I'm ready to plant flowers, but know I need to wait a little longer!

  5. AMEN! Our hearts are one today Debbie!

    Thanks for joining me on this journey! It is a blessing for sure!!!

    Love you Jill
    emailing you now!

  6. Blessings to you today! Love this post and I'm with you-under His wings. I am so thankful for the green that I'm seeing all around me here in Colorado. What a blessing to have so many wild animals in your area.
    Hugs to you my friend.

  7. Hey Debbie,

    This was awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing...

    Blessings to you this WFW!

  8. That is both a funny and truthful cartoon you shared! The scripture you chose to put with that created a very thought-provoking WFW.

    Thank you for that and for visiting my blog. The words you chose by Ann Spangler were beautiful and humbling.

    God bless!

  9. Oh it's where I want to be for sure. Why on earth I fight it so sometimes is really the better question...this was really good, thanks for posting it. Blessings and hugs, Deb

  10. Love that cartoon...it really brings the message of the scripture across...

    I have messed up sooo many times by trying to do things in my own power...

  11. wow, great post Debbie, i don't remember that one for some reason and hit me with encouragemnt! thanks!

  12. A very cute picture and verse, Debbie. I'm glad you are enjoying spring. And thanks for including those thoughts. Love you ~

  13. Great post. Thank you for the encouragement.


  14. AMEN and sweet blessings my friend
    Debbie...Powerful Word and message!

    Great application... of the cartoon, the verse and Adonay! Lord of all!
    When I got to this chapter and was asked who is Master of your life really? Of course, I would like to say Jesus is Lord, but honestly too many times, I have allowed other stuff to master my life and my own way. So much easier to just let Him and we would not have so many messes!

    I'm so glad that you have some time to enJoy spring temps outside and desert blooms and nature before you have to hibernate inside with AC!

    Have a wonderful WFW and week!

    Love you & continue running freely with Him,

  15. I am up to El Shaddai...great reading and blessings.
    We need to relearn as His children the Fear of God, as in awesome respect and almost hiding our faces from His majesty and glory, yet at the same time have that covering of forgiveness that allows us to come to our Father God.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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