Heart Choices: Random Dozen -->

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Random Dozen

I'm joining Linda of 2nd Cup of Coffee for Random Dozen. I know I'm a little late but life has been very busy lately. This is a fun meme and I love to get to know other bloggers as I read their answers to the questions.

So here are Linda's questions and my answers:

1. If you could compete in one Olympic event (not necessarily winter sports) what would it be? I'd have to say running. I can sprint very quickly.

2. Do you remember a specific Olympic moment from the past? I remember many years ago when the world fell in love with Nadia Comaneci of Romania during the Montreal Olympics. She was 14 years old and she scored the first perfect 10 in women's gymnastics.

3. Have you ever known anyone who competed in the Olympics? No

4. If everyday activities were Olympic-worthy, which activity would you have a gold medal in? Running up and down the stairs in my house

5. Do you know anything about your ethnic heritage? Anyone who reads Heart Choices on a regular basis knows that I am 100% Norwegian. Both my paternal and maternal grandparents are Norwegian but my parents were born in Brooklyn, New York.

6. Do you enjoy sleeping late? No, I'm an early riser. It's a rare occasion that I sleep late and 7:30 am would be late for me.

7. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? Do you know how? Yes, I've performed CPR during cardiac arrests many times. Working for 25 years as a cardiovascular nurse ...I'd better know how. I've defibrillated many patients too.

8. Name one country you'd like to visit and explain why. Switzerland. I had the opportunity to cross the border into that country once but only spent a day. I'd love to return and explore and take lots of photos of the beautiful mountains. It would be fun to hike too.

9. Have you ever fixed a couple romantically? Yes, I introduced Pat Andrzejewski to Dennis Benatar in high school on a class trip. They eventually got married and then divorced but that's how Pat Benatar got her last name. :)

10. What is the last book you read? The Heavenly Man: the remarkable true story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway.

11. What is the last movie you saw? Julie and Julia ...and I loved it.

12. What is your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant? Since my husband and I rarely go out to eat I'd have to say El Bravo. I love their Navajo Taco. It's not very low cal but once in a while I can't resist.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Oh didn't you just love Nadia Comaneci? She was soo good, and soo fun to watch. Definitely my fav too. I just love the Olympics in general though I guess. You look great in that pic btw. Have a good day.

  2. Loved reading your answers! I was fortunate that I only had to do CPR once, on a home health patient, and fortunately it was right after they came out with the little CPR shields, and it was the first day I had one. I almost left it in the car but thought "No, I better take it in!"

  3. You definitely have the best fixer-upper story!

    I loved The Heavenly Man-awesome book!

  4. Debbie:

    Such fun! To see your answeres here. And guess what?? Switzerland is my number one place I want to visit too. The pictures are so incredible, I just know I would love it! (And of course, I'd also be visiting Norway, and so would you!! :))

    Love you,


  5. Enjoyed your answers. Nadia, I forgot about her. Pat Benetar, how cool is that. lol. Thanks for sharing!

    until next time... nel

    PS: I am having the I Won... You Win Carnival in my corner of blog land. If you would like a chance at reading our traveling book, stop by today and check it out.

  6. Enjoyed your answers. Nadia, I forgot about her. Pat Benetar, how cool is that. lol. Thanks for sharing!

    until next time... nel

    PS: I am having the I Won... You Win Carnival in my corner of blog land. If you would like a chance at reading our traveling book, stop by today and check it out.

  7. Julia & Julia is such a great movie. And that taco looks divine!!!

  8. Four years ago I was watching the Olympics and daydreaming that I was an Olympic figure skater dating the speed skater Opolo Ohno, ha!! It just seems like such an amazing thing to be apart of.

    Love the answers!!

  9. I enjoyed reading your random nuggets.

    Oh Debbie, wasn't the Heavenly Man an AWESOME book? It made me feel like I didn't know a thing about TRULY being a Christian -- you know what I mean?

    You look beautiful as always.


  10. That Navajo taco reminded me of the one my hubby and I shared in Gallup. I could not believe how big that thing was!! It was sure tasty.

    hope you have a good weekend. I enjoyed your LWG article on love.


  11. I was so excited to see that you read the Heavenly Man! I read it not too long ago and it's an amazing book!!! I enjoyed reading this. I'm watching the Olympics now, btw.

  12. Loved your pretty picture ~ I think I saw the man in that book on TV once, and I wrote down the title of his book. But I haven't read it. I enjoyed your interesting post. Love you ~


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