Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Believer's Difference -->

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In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Believer's Difference

I'm excited to be hosting "In Other Words Tuesdays". This week I have the privilege of choosing our quote.

"Christians make a difference in this world by being different from this world; they don't make a difference by being the same."
from Unfashionable by Tullian Tchividjian

This quote really caused me to sit back and evaluate my Christian walk. Do people see a difference in my life because I'm a Christian? Or am I just like everyone else?

The Bible says that the difference should be ...our love for one another.

And John 13: 35 continues "By this all men will know that you are my disciples ...if you love one another."

But is that really what the world sees in us? As a believer, I've been given a new nature. But as long as I'm on this earth, I still have to contend with my flesh. There's a battle going on inside of me every day.

When I submit to the Lord and allow Him to rule within my heart, He works in me and through me.

  • He loves the unlovable through me.
  • He enables me to forgive when the other person doesn't deserve it.
  • He opens my eyes to the needs of my Christian brothers and sisters.
  • He stirs my heart in unique ways to fullfill the calling He has for my life.

My job is to submit and lay it all down before Him. Allow Jesus to be Jesus in me and through me. He provides all I need. And He is perfect love.

Are you making a difference in your sphere of influence?

When we yield every part of our lives to the Lord, we will be obedient to His call. And love in action causes people in the world to notice.

The world can't help but stop and take notice of the difference that ...love makes.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Amen, amen. Very well said sweetie, love you.

  2. Such a beautiful post. What a wonderful reminder for us all to remember that our lives should reflect Him. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

  3. Amen!

    Beautiful words of encouragement!

    Love you,

  4. We had the same idea, Debbie! Thank you for the reminder to submit to God and He will give us what we need to love others well.

    Thanks for hosting, Debbie!

  5. I heard someone say once: If being a Christian were illegal, is there enough evidence to convict you?"

    That was 20 some years ago, and it still challenges me. I so long for my thoughts, words and actions to be God honoring; a far different motivation from those of the world.

    I dare say it's a process ... but I think there's now enough evidence to put me away for life.


  6. What a precious post! I agree with you completely. It's a process of being transformed all over again each day. :o)

    I can testify that His love changes people and changes the desires of their hearts and changes the way in which they step outta the bed daily. If it weren't for Him i'd be a real creep! And not just for halloween either. :o)

    Have a wonderfully blessed week!

    Heather of SAM

  7. I believe if the church could learn this line it would change the world: "He loves the unlovable through me."

    Good post.

  8. Hits home doesn't it. Speaking of home I like the new look of yours :) Maybe the quote we should have was "Am I different?" We say to ourselves "I hope so" but does it reflect it in our lives. Great job of hosting.

  9. "And love in action causes people in the world to notice." That's really what we're called to do. Love God. Love people. Your post gets to the heart of Christianity. Thanks for hosting today.

  10. Hi Debbie...my sis and I had a conversation on this just the other day...are we light and salt among our neighbors, co-workers, family...are we Christlike in our daily encounters with people, the people that God has put in our path that need to see Him through us? I think the answer will surely tell us what is hidden in our hearts. What you've shared is so important...beautifully said.

    God bless,

  11. You make an excellent point that we should make a difference in our sphere of influence. Thanks, Debbie!

  12. Very strong post of truth, done in the spirit of love. Bravo. Thank you, Lord, for using Debbie.


  13. he loves me when I am unlovable
    He forgives me when I don't deserve it
    He meets my needs
    He allows me to minister to His people...
    We love Him because he first loved us.

    I loved your post and thought about your list and realized I do the things there because God loved me first! I do love the DIFFERENCE :)!

  14. Sorry to be joining so late, but I've been thinking of this quote for several days. It's a great quote. THANK YOU for sharing and hosting today.

    We need to catch up sometime soon. Drop me a note, okay? Hope you are doing well.

    Jessica has a cardiology appt. Wed. afternoon. :)

  15. Great quote and great thoughts. Thank you for hosting.

  16. Precious Debbie, you blessed me in your sharing today.

    I pray we are all making a difference through the LOVE OF CHRIST and reaching not just each other but a hurting world.

    I love you dear friend. I'm praying for you.

  17. Sometimes 'sameness' is important too...lol. Sometimes I get: 'You're a Christian? But you're so normal!' lol


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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